
5 Best Herbal Remedies For Kidney Failure

 Kidney Failure

Kidneys are the organs in your body that play key role in functioning the body and helps to remove waste from your blood. Not only this, but also help to balance levels of electrolyte levels in the body, stimulating production of red blood cells and controlling blood pressure. Kidney failure occurs when your kidneys gradually or suddenly become unable to filter waste products from your blood and people with kidney failure require transplant or dialysis to stay alive.

Kidney failure caused due to hypertension, which is a high blood pressure.  Diabetes, medications, kidney disorders and dehydration also cause kidney failure. The diagnosis of this kidney failure is made-up by measuring BUN, blood test and ultrasound. Urine test also helps in checking out how your kidneys are working.

Symptoms of kidney failure include shortness of breath, fluid retention, weakness, flank pain, abdominal pain, fatigue, confusion, drowsiness, chest pain, nausea, decreased urine output or body swelling. Here we mention a few natural herbs helping to deal with kidney failure.

5 Herbal Remedies For Kidney Failure


Rhubarb also known as ‘Rheum Officinalis’ is a perennial herb used for centuries to cure numerous health conditions including kidney failure.


It contains astringent, cathartic and antioxidants that is useful in protecting kidneys during the initial phases of kidney failure. Rhubarb also helps in managing diabetes- related kidney damage as this herb helps to regulate triglyceride levels, cholesterol levels and reduces blood sugar levels.


Dandelion is a popular and excellent herb containing essential vitamins, minerals, proteins and diuretic properties, which helps to promote kidney health, thereby helping to treat your kidney failure. Dandelion leaves have been traditionally useful to increase urine production and excretion but you can also choose for dandelion capsules available in all stores. Standard dose of dandelion is 1 capsule per day, which is to be taken for 3 to 4 days.



Astragalus also known as ‘Astragalus Membranaceous’ is an effective herb helping to treat your kidney failure because it contains alkolids, flavonoids, minerals, vitamins, zinc, copper and chlorine.


It has adaptogenic, antioxidant and diuretic properties helping to detoxify and regenerating your damaged kidney tissue, making your kidneys function better. Astragalus is available in all forms such as herbal tea, liquid, capsule, tincture, tablet, powder and dry roots.

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Asian Ginseng

Asian Ginseng also known as ‘Panax Ginseng’ is a herbal plant native to Russia and the roots of this plant has been used from ages to treat kidney failure. Asian ginseng also contains adaptogenic properties, which helps to balance and protect your organs of the body helping them to function properly. This herb also contains Saponin, which helps to protect your kidneys from cellular damage caused by free radicals.

Asian Ginseng

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is an excellent herb showing promise fight against diabetes and diabetes related conditions such as blood vessels and kidney failure. It is rich in antioxidants helping your kidneys to function better and knocking out free radicals.

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle helps to detoxify chemicals entering our body from alcohol consumption, environmental sources and medications, which are all the main reasons causing kidney failure. Silymarin, a substance in milk thistle concentrates in the kidney cells to repair and regenerate by increasing proteins and nucleic acid as much by 30 percent to protect from damaging kidneys.

Milk thistle is one of the best herbs helping to treat kidney failure and can be ingest-able in form of fluid extract. Herbs like licorice, horsetail, wheat-grass, flax-seed, green tea, hawthorn and parsley also help to treat kidney failure.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.