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A perfectly toned body is a dream for many. Sometimes, we think that what might be the secret behind the flawless figures of our favorite Hollywood actors.
Well then, here is a list of some of the best toning exercises that you can do regularly and get your most desired look with perfect musculature and an attractive body shape.
Body Toning Exercises
Spider Man Press Up
Position yourself in the push up posture. Balance yourself on your hands with palms placed firmly on the ground and toes pushed downwards with legs stretched behind you. Your body should be inclined in a straight position from head to toe.
Then bring your bent right knee to your side at the hip level while you bend your elbows at ninety degrees. Your arms should be tucked close to the ribs in order to make the right knee and the elbow touch each other. Go back to the initial position and start again. Do this at least five times with the same side after moving onto the other side.
Bent Over Row
Stand and place your feet at shoulder width distance. With your knees bent slightly, lean forward with your hips and ultimately your chest is parallel to the floor. Make sure your back is arched and not rounded.
Your arms should be at your side and your palms should face each other. Lift your weights for about three seconds. This should be lead by your elbows while your shoulder blades are squeezed together. Gradually put down the weight and regain the initial posture. Repeat the process again.
Chest And Shoulder Workout
Lie down on your back and hold your weights firmly with your hands facing in the upwards direction. Your arms should be stretched at your sides. Keep your elbows bent a little bit; raise your arms above the chest till your hands are almost touching each other. Get back to the starting position and repeat again.
Bird Dog Workout
Position yourself on all four limbs. Keep raising your right arm and your left leg till they become parallel to the ground. Hold this position for a few seconds and then get back to the initial position. Repeat this process with the other arm and leg.
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Back Extensions
Lie on your stomach on a workout mat. Place your hands behind your head. Then raise your chest a few inches above the floor and remain in this position for a few seconds. Repeat the process.
Fallen Triangle
Position yourself on the ground in push up posture. Balance on your hands and keep your feet extended. Your body should be as straight as a line from head to toe. Then shift onto side plank and put your body weight to the left hand.
Rotate your body in order to stretch your right hand directly in the upward direction. While doing this, your left leg should come under your torso and toward the right.
So, with these body toning exercises, you can achieve your long desired dream of attaining that perfect, flawless, well toned body. You can join a gym to perform these moves or you can even try them at home. Nonetheless, these are simple, effective, cheap and healthy ways of staying fit.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.