Top 15 Surprising Benefits Of Sesame Oil For Hair

Benefits Of Sesame Oil For Hair

Sesame oil is considered as miracle oil which does great wonder for skin, hair, and your health as well. Using sesame oil for your tresses is a great way to improve your hair growth. Sesame oil which is extracted from the sesame seeds is one of the chief ingredients in hair growth oil. It helps nourish your hair and rejuvenates its growth.

Massaging your scalp and tresses with this miracle oil provides shine and volume to your hair. It contains vitamin E, magnesium, B complex, calcium, phosphorus, protein etc. All these nutrients help in strengthening the roots of your hair and provide deep nourishment.

Read On To Know The Top 15 Interesting Benefits Of Using Sesame Oil For Your Hair:

Helps Rejuvenate Hair Growth:

Massaging your hair with sesame oil helps enhance circulation as it penetrates deep into the roots of the hair, thus promoting hair growth. Sesame oil helps in promoting hair growth even if your hair got damaged due to chemicals and this is due to its ability to penetrate deep into the pores. It helps in strengthening the hair shafts and promotes the growth of new hair.

Hair Growth

Helps Treat Dandruff:

You can get rid of scalp issues such as dandruff using sesame oil. Massage your scalp with warm sesame oil. Leave it overnight. Follow this therapy two or three times every week and make sure you cover the scalp with a shower cap. Wash off your hair with a mild shampoo the next day. You can notice visible results within a month.

Eliminating Dandruff

Protects From Premature Graying:

Do you love the dark color of your hair? Then, gently massage your scalp with sesame oil. This treatment helps in improving the texture of your hair. The compounds in it help in darkening your tresses and also prevent premature graying of the hair.

gray hair

For Head Lice Treatment:

Sesame oil helps in treating and preventing head lice. Massage your scalp with sesame oil and cover your scalp with a shower cap. Next day, comb off your hair and rinse it well using a mild shampoo. Combing your hair the next morning will help in removing the nits and lice that are stuck to the hair. Follow this treatment regularly until you experience great results.

Head Lice

Soothes Your Hair:

Sesame oil creates a soothing and tranquilizing effect on your scalp. Exposure to heat or any such conditions can damage your hair. In this case, you need to use sesame oil for massaging your hair as it acts as a coolant. It helps in nourishing your scalp from inside as well and helps in locking the moisture.

Soothes Your Hair

Deeply Conditions Your Hair:

Take some warm sesame oil and mix it well with your hair conditioner. Use this mixture to apply on your hair. Allow it to sit for an hour or leave it overnight. Wash off the next morning. This treatment helps in providing conditioning to your hair and deep into the hair roots as well.

Almond oil has Vitamin E which is good for conditioning

Prevents Hair Loss Caused Due To Stress:

Stress is one of the major reasons behind hair fall. However, sesame oil is at your rescue. Gently massage your scalp with warm sesame oil. It acts as a coolant and helps in creating a soothing effect, thus busting your stress to an extent. Follow this therapy frequently to keep stress at bay apart from protecting your hair.

Reduces hair fall

Revitalizes The Damaged Hair:

Sesame oil is known to penetrate deep into the pores. It seeps into the roots of your scalp and nourishes hair from inside. It helps in revitalizing your damaged hair and provides the much-needed shine to the hair.

Dry Hair

Protects Hair From The Damaging Sun Rays:

Sun rays can cause severe damage to the hair. However, sesame oil helps in protecting your hair from such damage. It acts as a good sunscreen and protects your hair. Gently apply sesame oil to your hair and scalp. The oil forms a protective layer on the hair, thus protecting it from getting damaged from the harmful UV rays.

Protects Hair From The Damaging Sun Rays

Prevents Dry Hair:

You can use sesame oil to treat dry hair problems as well. This magical oil helps in providing nourishment to your scalp from deep inside as well and prevents dry hair problems. This therapy helps in providing the lost shine to your hair and prevents dryness.

dry hair (2)

Prevents Split Ends:

Sesame oil does wonders when it comes to treating split ends. Apply a few drops of sesame oil to your split ends and following the same frequently helps in preventing and treating split ends.

split ends

For Adding Shine To Your Hair:

Sesame oil helps in giving your hair the natural shine. Take 2-3 drops of sesame oil in your palm and rub it off on your hair instead of applying a conditioner.


Prevents Flaky Scalp:

Sesame oil helps in controlling dry and flaky scalp issues. Gently massage your scalp with sesame oil. Following this treatment helps in preventing flaky scalp.

Cures Itchiness and Bumps on Scalp

Softens Rough Hair:

Massaging your hair with sesame oil helps in softening the rough hair. People who try hair straightening can use sesame oil as a conditioner to soften the hair.

Rough Hair

Prevents Baldness:

Baldness can be treating using sesame oil. Massage your hair with sesame oil to prevent baldness. This treatment helps in controlling hair loss and prevents the risks of baldness.


Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.