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Running is an easy and effective exercise for people who want to stay fit and slim. You don’t need any training or equipment for running. All you need is a good road and running shoes for a comfortable run. The only problem is that running can cause injury. The main cause of this problem is running on rough areas and slopes. Running on cliffs and ridges can also lead to injury. Runners often strain themselves by running very hard for attaining peak performance. You should protect yourself from injury so that the body muscles are not damaged. We will explain easy ways of overcoming injuries when you run. These tips will heal the injury faster.
Following Are Some Easy Tips On How To Recover From Running Injuries:
Take Rest
Hard running puts strain on the body muscles leading to injury. Rest helps in healing the injured muscles while helping in regenerating the damaged cells. Thus, you should take rest after the running session so that the body heals on its own.
Apply Ice
Application of ice helps in healing the muscles injured during running. Apply ice on affected areas for two days after you are injured. Fill ice in a plastic bag. Apply on injured area. You can do this after doing exercises also.
Apply Heat
Heat treatment can help in giving relief in injuries that don’t heal after two days. Apply heat on the affected body parts with the help of hot water bottle. Some people like to use heating pads for this purpose. Applying heat helps in improving blood circulation thus healing the injury faster.
Compress And Elevate
Compression and elevation helps in healing the injured muscles. Wrap the affected area with an elastic bandage so that it becomes compressed. Elevate the injured part by raising it above the heart level. Keep the feet on pillows kept one over the other.
Do Warm Up Exercises
Doing any exercise without warming up is an invitation to injury. Always do warm up before going for running. Walking is the best warm up activity that prepares muscles for hard run. Do walking for ten minutes. The walking should be slow and not very fast.
Do Cycling
Cycling is another easy warm up exercise that you can do before going for running. Do cycling outdoors or indoors on a stationary bike. It will help in preparing the muscles for hard running protecting you from injury.
Do Cool Down Exercises
Just like warm up is necessary before running, it is also important to do cool down exercises after finishing the running. You can do running at a slower speed. It is also helpful to do walking for ten minutes. Cool down exercises are necessary for recovering from the strain of running.
Do Stretching
It is beneficial to do stretching exercises when the pain has reduced. Do stretching at frequent intervals throughout the day. It will help in decreasing muscle stiffness while healing the injury faster.
Continue Gentle Exercises
Having a running injury doesn’t mean that you take rest indefinitely. It is important to do exercises even after the injury. Do gentle exercises like swimming that don’t hurt the muscles. It will help in releasing the feel good hormones called endorphins.
Wear Good Shoes
Wearing ill fitted shoes is the main cause of running injury. If you are wearing uncomfortable shoes that don’t fit well, it leads to problems during running. Thus, you should choose well-fitted shoes that are comfortable. Buy good shoes and change it every month.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.