11 Home Remedies For Eye Puffiness

Though not a medical condition, the cosmetic concerns that are raised by eye puffiness are so huge that one cannot ignore the condition altogether and move on.Eye puffiness is more common among women and it is women who spend sleepless nights over it as well.

Eye Puffiness

Insomnia, water retention, kidney problems, excessive sun exposure and straining the eyes too much are some of the reasons associated with eye puffiness. Instead of looking for cosmetic and medical solutions, here are some of the best home remedies lined up for your reference.

Tips To Cure Eye Puffiness


Cucumber is a cooling vegetable and has abundant water content as well. Slice a piece of cucumber and refrigerate it to cool it. Apply the slices on the eyes and eye bags and leave it on for fifteen minutes. Make sure that you lie down with your head slightly elevated while you do this.

This will constrict the nerves around the eyes, encourage lymphatic drainage and also cool and brighten up your eyes, removing all tiredness and stress from your eyes. Cucumber is one of the best home remedies that can be used for treating eye puffiness. Since it is also a skin lightening and moisturizing agent, it removes under eye circles and dryness, which are also very common symptoms that come along with eye puffiness.


Tea Bags

Tea bags have anti-inflammatory properties as there are tannins present in tea bags that helps in reducing eye puffiness. Take a used tea bag and refrigerate it. Once it turns cool, apply on the eye puffs and press gently so that the tannins start acting on the puffiness.

Press gently with the moist and cool tea bags for relieving the excess fluid that is trapped around the eyes and also to constrict the blood vessels around the eyes. Within 15 to 20 minutes of application, the eye puffiness would be gone and your facial skin will be wonderfully toned as well.

Tea Bags

Egg White

Egg white is a natural toning agent and helps in removing eye puffiness by exerting its astringent action and tightening the pores around the eyes and skin. Egg white is also known to improve blood circulation, remove inflammation and also improve the general appearance of the skin.

Take half a teaspoon of egg white and apply on the skin under the eyes. Allow the egg white to dry so that you feel the pull on the skin. Wash off with cold water. This will take care of the eye puffiness effectively. If you want to prevent the occurrence of eye puffiness after a tired day and wake up fresh and dewy, apply egg white under your eyes before sleeping. This will prevent under eye puffiness greatly.

Egg White


Chamomile tea is anti-inflammatory and soothing to the skin. Brew some chamomile tea and make them into ice cubes. These cubes can be placed under the eyes for reducing eye puffiness. Chamomile tea can be cooled and the water used for rinsing the eyes which too is a great way to reduce inflammation and also constrict the blood vessels around the eyes.

Chamomile Tea Ice Cubes


Milk is soothing to the skin and helps in removing eye puffiness. For treating eye puffiness, refrigerate some milk so that it becomes cool. You may also try making milk cubes and place them in a gauze or thin cotton cloth and apply under the eyes. If it is cold milk, soak a cotton pad and leave it on and under the eyes while you lie down comfortably with your head slightly elevated.

After a few minutes of cold compress, take come warm milk and apply on the eyes for a few minutes. Alternating between warm and cold treatment, 4 to 5 times, winding off with a cold milk compress will help in draining the trapped fluid and also in removing eye puffiness completely.


Ice Compress

A simple ice compress too can help when the eye puffiness is not too severe. Take ice cubes and cover with a cotton cloth. Apply on the eyes and leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes. Alternately, soak ice cold water in gauze and apply on the eyes.

Ice Pack


Potatoes have great absorption properties and this will help in the removal of excess water that is trapped around the eyes. Take a slice of potato and cool it in the refrigerator. The slices should be placed under the eyes and your head slightly elevated as well.

Allow it to remain for fifteen minutes while you relax your eyes. This is an excellent way to remove eye puffiness and also take care of skin darkening and dark circles under the eyes. Potatoes are also rich in B vitamin and helps in nourishing the delicate skin under the eyes.

Potato Slices

Rose Water

Toning the skin with rose water too helps in treating eye puffiness and large pores. Rose water can be prepared by adding a few rose petals to a cup of water and boiling the water for fifteen minutes. Cool and refrigerate. The water can be applied around the eyes for removing eye puffiness.

Rose Water

Aloe Vera

Both cooling as well as anti inflammatory in nature, aloe gel can be used all throughout the day and night for protecting the skin from free radical damage, preventing inflammation, cooling the skin and also for reducing instances of eye puffiness.

Take the gel from aloe plant and apply it under the eyes. Allow it to air dry. Aloe gel can be applied before bedtime as well to prevent eye puffiness.

Aloe Vera Gel


Light acupressure works wonders for eye puffiness. Lie down comfortably on a bed with your head raised with a pillow. Now gently press along the eyebrows and also eye sockets. This helps in activating the lymphatic system and also draining the excess fluid from around the eyes. Doing this couple of times will help in reducing eye puffiness.



Though intake of salt is known to be bad if you suffer from water retention, salt can be used for treating eye puffiness externally. Take half a teaspoon of salt and add this to one quart of water. This can be used for application on the puffiness. Leave it for ten minutes and remove the pad to see the puffs have deflated.


Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.