Herbal Remedies For Bulimia

BulimiaBulimia is an eating disorder that is characterized by overeating and the patients are preoccupied with weight control. The symptoms include unstoppable craving for food, continuous episodes of overeating, consuming large quantities of food in a short time, excessive work out, induced vomiting, scared of putting on weight, taking laxatives and diuretics for weight loss, starving for weight control, etc.

Bulimia can cause anemia, malnutrition, electrolyte imbalance, etc. It can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. It affects all age groups. Herbs are found to be effective in controlling the symptoms of bulimia.

Herbal Remedies For Bulimia

Milk Thistle

The herb helps in the regeneration of the liver cells and stabilizes the cell membranes in the liver cells. The flavanoids improve the immune system of the body and build resistance to illnesses.  It is the best remedy for metabolic diseases.

Milk Thistle

Silymarin found in milk thistle is a cholesterol-lowering compound. It increases the bile secretion and aids in improved digestion. It is highly effective in fat reduction by helping the liver function, which is useful in weight loss. It purifies the blood and metabolizes fat quickly.


Licorice is a recommended herb for bulimia. It encourages the adrenal glands’ functioning.  It is used to treat adrenal insufficiency. It purifies the liver, reduces stomach inflammation and ulcers. It stabilizes the blood sugar levels and lessens craving for food. When blood sugar is stable, people are less likely to take carbohydrates.


Thus, it helps in reduced intake of food, which is the major problem in bulimia patients.  It has anti-depressant properties. It also has mild laxative properties. Licorice roots can be brewed as tea and taken or chewed directly. It will taste sweet, so sweeteners are not required and it can be blended with other beverages too.

St John’s Wort

The herb is used to cure depression and anxiety, which are usually found in bulimia patients. It relieves craving for food and helps to stop emotional eating. It is used to treat emotional disorders and relieve them. The flavanoids present in the herb have healing properties. It has antioxidant, anti-viral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

St. John’s Wort

It is a powerful immune booster. Hyperin and bioflavones found in the herb has sedative effects.  It has diuretic properties as well as anti-spasmodic and antifungal properties. It is beneficial for internal bleeding. The alkaloids have analgesic properties.  It acts directly on the nervous system and enhances its functions. Thus, it can cure many symptoms of bulimia.

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Angelica Root

It boosts the stamina and immune system and maintains the overall health. It is an appetite stimulant. It improves the secretion of bile thus aiding in improved digestion of food. It can be used as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic, digestive tonic, dyspepsia and stomatic herb.

Angelica Root

It can relieve anemia, bloating, ulcers, GI spasms, and abdominal discomfort. It purifies the blood and improves blood flow. It helps to relax the intestine and eliminates any digestive complaints in bulimia. It can treat internal bleeding in bulimia.


The herb is used for digestion problems thus recommended for bulimia. It helps in the absorption of more nutrients from the intestine and reduces the gastric juices.


It relieves stress, anxiety and depression, which are common in bulimia patients. It strengthens the nervous system and nourishes it. It has anti-spasmodic effects.  It also has anti-inflammatory, astringent, sedative and febrifuge effects.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.