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Majority of women suffer from yeast infections in one point or another in their life. This yeast infection is mostly caused due to a fungus known as Candida Albicans.This fungus is mostly found in tiny quantities in and around the vaginal region of women. Considering this, majority of women are too embarrassed to visit a doctor and hence live with their condition. However, living with yeast infection is not easy and it needs to be treated on time to avoid any further major infection.
For women who are too embarrassed to visit a doctor because of their yeast infection then they must know that they can easily get rid of their condition by following some simple home remedies. The main feature of following these home remedies is they can be easily followed in secrecy and give the woman the full freedom to treat their condition without experiencing any kind of embarrassment. The following are some home remedies for yeast infections.
Use Yogurt To Get Rid Of Yeast Infection
Yogurt is one of the most effective natural remedy for yeast infection. Yogurt is known for its large source of lactobacillus acidophilus which is nothing but the friendly bacteria which neutralize the growth of the other bacteria such as Candida Albicans.
This in turn helps to reduce the intensity of the yeast infection. Eating at least a cup of yogurt for breakfast can prove to be an effective home remedy to get rid of yeast infection. You can also make use of Yogurt in other way that is by applying it directly on the infected area. However, while doing so you need to apply yogurt which doesn’t contain any other added ingredients such as sugar or any other ingredient.
Use Tea Tree Oil To Get Rid Of Yeast Infection
The tea tree oil is also one of the best and proven home remedies that you can use to get rid of your yeast infection. There are many ways through which you can make use of tea tree oil to get rid of your infection. This may include adding some tea tree oil in the bathing water and bathing with or directly applying tea tree oil on the infected area. However, while applying tea tree oil on the infected area, see to it that you are using diluted tea tree oil.
Use Chamomile To Get Rid Of Yeast Infection
Chamomile is another effective home remedy for yeast infection. Drinking a cup of tea made out of Chamomile instead of drinking regular tea can work wonders in your effort to get rid of your yeast infection. You can also make a paste of Chamomile flowers and apply it directly in and around the vaginal region and see you will get instant relief from the itching caused due to Candida Albicans.
Use Garlic To Get Rid Of Yeast Infection
Garlic is widely known for its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and hence can work wonders for women suffering from yeast infection. It helps to prevent the growth of the Candida Albicans which is the main cause behind the yeast infection. You can either include garlic in your diet or can directly be applied to the infected area. Eating at least one or two cloves of raw garlic can also help you to get rid of yeast infection.
Use Licorice To Get Rid Of Yeast Infection
Licorice root is another effective home remedy that you can use to get rid of your yeast infection. You can either drink a tea made up of Licorice roots or can make a paste out of it and apply it directly on the infected area. However, don’t forget to wash the paste with lukewarm water after 15 minutes.
Use Cranberry To Get Rid Of Yeast Infection
Another effective home remedy for yeast infection is Cranberry. This berry is known to enhance the functions of the urinary tract and is also an effective remedy for yeast infection. All you have to do is bring some Cranberries and extract their juice and drink it at the onset of yeast infection.
Use Apple Cider Vinegar To Treat Yeast Infection
Making use of apple cider vinegar can also help you to get rid of vaginal yeast infection. The only thing you have to do is swab the infected area with apple cider vinegar by diluting it in water. This home remedy when used with another home remedies mentioned above can help you to get rid of yeast infection in a fast way. This is because; it helps to neutralize the natural levels of pH balance in the human body which plays an important role in reducing the growth of Candida Albicans in the body.
Use Goldenseal To Get Rid Of Yeast Infection
Making use of the herb Goldenseal can also help you to get rid of yeast infection. It is known for its anti-fungal properties and hence when consumed can help to get rid of yeast infection effectively. You can either drink the juice made up of Goldenseal or can make a paste by grinding it and apply it directly on the infected area if you want to get rid of yeast infection.
These were some of the proven home remedies for yeast infection. The main essence of these home remedies that you can use them at home and also doesn’t involve any kind of side-effects. If you follow these home remedies and succeed in making some dietary changes then no one can stop you from getting rid of your yeast infection, which causes you a lot of embarrassment.
Follow a diet that doesn’t contain any foods that may lead to yeast infections. This may include avoiding any kind of foods that are made through fermenting yeast.
That is, you need to stay away from breads and other types of baked goods completely until you are able to treat your yeast infection. Also, stay away from eating lots of sugar and dairy products as they encourage the growth of the Candida Albicans fungus. Just follow these effective home remedies and lead a life in a way you want and without any kind of embarrassment.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.