10 Super Foods To Lower High Blood Pressure

Super Foods To Lower High Blood Pressure

If you are suffering from high blood pressure then you may be tired of the medicines that you are consuming every day. It is very important to keep the blood pressure under control so that you can be safe. If you are suffering from high blood pressure then you can consume some food items that can help you to keep your blood pressure under control. Few food items can keep your blood pressure under control and at the same time, you will stay healthy.

Here Are The 10 Super Foods To Lower High Blood Pressure:


Avocados are a rich source of potassium, minerals and monounsaturated fats. Potassium is one of the key ingredients which you need to include in your food so that you can keep your blood pressure under control. If you consume avocados then you can be rest assured that you are leading a healthy life. You should ensure that you take at least 3 servings of avocados on weekly basis.



Sprouts are known for the anti-oxidants that they contain. Sprouts can lower your blood pressure and sprouts are tasty to eat as well. Sprouts also have the potential to curb the possibilities of heart problems and various other problems that are related to arteries and veins. You should consume sprouts at least once in a week so that you can lower your blood pressure.



Spinach is one of the best green leafy vegetables that you can have to reduce the blood pressure. Spinach has high levels of proteins and anti-oxidants and hence, it can help to fight problems like hypertension. You can consume 1,000 milligrams of spinach on daily basis so that your blood pressure can be under control.


White Beans

White beans contain high levels potassium, magnesium and also calcium. This can be part of your diet everyday so that you can get rid of high blood pressure. If you are not willing to make curry out of this then you can go ahead and use this as a side dish. You can also consume white beans as snacks. You need to ensure that salt is not included in the white beans. Salt contains high levels of sodium so it can increase your blood pressure.

White Beans


Celery has the potential to smoothen the lining in the blood vessels. This is one of the reasons due to which the blood pressure will automatically be lowered. You should consume 4 ribs of celery on daily basis. This will help you to reduce the blood pressure by at least 12%.



Garlic is known for the antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that it offers to mankind. Consumption of one clove of garlic can be really helpful for your health. Garlic produces a gas and this gas clears the blockages in the arteries. Due to this, the blood pressure will be controlled. If you consume a clove of garlic, on daily basis, then you can normalize your blood pressure in three months’ time.



If you are suffering from high blood pressure then you should consume one banana on daily basis. Banana contains high levels of potassium and very low levels of sodium and this is the best that one can offer to a person with high blood pressure. The high levels of potassium will reduce blood pressure and also the possibilities of stroke.


Skim Milk

You should exclude the regular milk completely from your diet. Instead of regular milk, you can consume skim milk. Skim milk is low on fats and it also contains high levels of vitamin D. Fats clogs the arteries and this leads to high blood pressure but that problem is sorted with the help of skim milk.

Skim Milk

Olive Oil

Olive oil is known for the anti-oxidant properties and it can fight against free radicals. Cholesterol gets deposited on the walls of the arteries and hence, the blood pressure increases. If you are willing to lower your blood pressure then you should avoid all the other oils that actually clog your artery. You can replace all the oils with olive oil. This will help you to reduce the blood pressure in 30 days time.

Olive Oil


Almonds contain good fats and proteins. Good fats have the potential to lower the cholesterol level in the blood and hence, you can lower the high blood pressure and also various heart and arteries related problems. You should consume at least 4 almonds in empty stomach so that you can see the results in a month’s time.


You cannot expect miracles to happen because of the consumption of these food items. You should consume these foods on daily basis so that you can see the results. Try these food items for at least a month so that you can experience the reduction in your blood pressure.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.