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If you are hungry at night then you will have to be conscious with what you eat. Eating anything randomly will make you feel hungry in the middle of night and hence, you will struggle to have a good night sleep. It is always better that you avoid certain food items rather than that of struggling hard to sleep. Most of us think random things in bed and then we desperately wait to fall asleep, there are high chances that it is due to the food that we consumed, few hours back.
Here Are The 8 Worst Foods To Avoid Late Night:
Cereals are nice to eat at night but check the ingredients before you consume at night. If you want to consume cereals at night then you should consume cereals with high fiber and lower sugar content. High sugar content will produce high levels of insulin and at the same time, low fiber food will make you feel hungry in the middle of the night. If you consume low fiber cereal then you will hunt your kitchen, in few hours, to have something good to eat.
Thai Food
Thai and Mexican food is so tempting that you cannot avoid it, for sure, but consider your sleep if you are planning to have it for dinner. Thai and Mexican food is very spicy and they also have high levels of fat. If you have this in excess then there are chances of getting a heartburn sensation in the middle of the night and hence, it will be difficult for you to sleep. Apart from that, consuming foods with high fats is a strict no during bedtime as there are possibilities of health concern.
Burgers And Pizzas
Burgers and pizzas are quick to eat and hence, most of us prefer to eat this and fall asleep rather than that of having proper dinner. You need to remember that burgers and pizzas contain a lot of cheese and butter. These cheese and butter will make you feel heavy at night. Your digestive system can burn the fats quicker during the day time, as your body will be moving but at night, the digestive system will find it difficult. Due to the long time taken by the digestive system, you will not be able to sleep peacefully and in the morning, you will feel tired and drowsy.
You will not come across anything more acidic than that of soda. Soda can actually relax the valves that connect the stomach and esophagus. Due to this reaction, the stomach will not be able to keep food where it should be. Soda carbonates in the stomach as well and this process of carbonation creates pressure on the stomach and hence, it becomes difficult for you to sleep.
Dark Chocolate
Most of the dark chocolates contain high levels of cocoa and cocoa can act as a stimulant. Apart from cocoa, dark chocolate also contains high levels of caffeine. Caffeine will stop the production of melatonin. Melatonin is the fluid that induces sleep. You will stay active all night and in the morning, you will be tired and drowsy.
Ice Cream
Most of us like to have ice cream after dinner as we believe that this will improve our digestive system and hence, you can sleep properly. This is not very much true as ice cream contains fats and sugar content. Increase in the insulin level will make it difficult for you to sleep and at the same time, due to restricted body moments, digestion of fats becomes a difficult thing to do. The chillness of ice cream will also keep you away from sleep. Avoid ice cream so that you can sleep tight and have new day which is fresh.
Orange Juice
The level of citric acid is very high in orange juice and hence, you should avoid it. Citric acid is very energetic and at the same time, it is very acidic in nature. High levels of energy are not great, especially before going to bed. The acidic nature of orange juice will also create a pressure on your stomach and hence, you will be restless in bed.
Nuts are very high in energy and hence, it is consumed by students during exams so that they can be awake at night and study hard. If you are addicted to nuts then you can consume almonds rather than that of walnuts and pistachios. Nuts should be consumed in the morning so that you can be active all day.
A food which is considered to be good during the day time may not be necessarily good at night. If you want to sleep peacefully then plan your diet accordingly.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.