Yoga To Increase Height

Not everyone is blessed with a good height. Some are not that tall and some are dissatisfied with their measurement. If you’re among those who have tried height increasing pills and height promoting shoes, with little success, I would suggest that you give Yoga, a shot.

Increase Height

Yoga is now being practiced worldwide owing to the plethora of health benefits it has on offer and it can help you align your skeletal system especially your spine which in turn will add a few extra centimeters to your height. You need to practice these Yogic Postures diligently and have patience, you cannot expect to grow taller overnight like Jack’s Bean Stalk.

Yoga Poses to Increase Height


Padmudra elongates the spine and the muscles to a particular extent and helps in increasing the height. Stand facing a wall. Extend your hands upwards and lift your body on your toes. Your middle fingers (longest finger) will reach a certain point on the wall while you’re balancing on your toes. Mark that particular point. Now make another mark about 1 centimeter above the previous mark.

Now stand again with the hands on your side. Breathe in while you extend your hands, stand on your toes and try to extend your body to touch the second mark. Remember your goal is to try and pull your body such that you can touch the second mark with ease. At first you might not be able to do so, however, practice this mudra 10-20 times daily and you’ll notice some good results.



Trikon means triangle. While performing this posture the body appears somewhat like a triangle, thus the name. It helps to strengthen the spine and aligns the limbs and also extends the limb muscles. Stand with your legs at least 1 feet apart. Now without folding the knees, bend sideways and touch the left toes with the left hand.

Keep your right hands at right angles (90 degrees) to your right shoulder and extend it upwards. Face towards the extended right fingers. Hold the position for 3-4 seconds and then return back to the original position. Perform the same posture again but this time, bend on the right side and extend your left hands upwards. This should be done 15-20 times daily.



Gomukhasana helps to make your spine stronger and aligns the forelimbs. Sit with your legs crossed in such a way that your right heel touch your left buttock and your left heel touches your right buttock. Take your left hand to the back and rest the palm on your back. You’ll feel a little strain on your left arm muscles.

Take your right hands over the right shoulder to the back and try to touch the left palm with the right one. Once the fingers of both the hands meet, count till 5 and then return back to the starting position. Repeat the posture at least 15 times, alternating the hands.



This posture is actually amalgamation of 3 simple postures. First stand straight. Extend your arms upwards, breathe in and bend down to touch your toes. Do not fold the knees. Hold the position and return back to original postion (keep your hands extended upwards)while breathing out.

Now breathe in again and bend backwards. Go as far as you can, hold position for 3 seconds and return back to standing position.Now bring you right hand down while keeping the left hand still extended and bend sideways to the right. Bend as far as you can comfortably, hold this position for 5 seconds, return to starting position and then bring left hand down, extend the right hand and bend to the left.

Return to original position and bring down both hands. Repeat the entire process (all 3 postures) at least 10 times daily. These postures help your align and extend the entire muscle system.


Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.