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Millions of people suffer from allergies. Allergies occur when our immune system overreacts to dust, pollen, mold, dander, pet, grass and other substances and produces antibodies known as histamines or leukotrienes that causes allergy symptoms like runny nose, red itchy skin, itchy throat, congestion, hives, coughing and in severe condition wheezing and shortness of breath.
Drugs provide minor relief and may have side effects too. Natural remedies combat allergic reactions and often have fewer or no side effects like drowsiness, dizziness and depression that most anti-allergic medications accompany. So, before reaching for these multi-colored drugs and pills, try natural remedies.
Natural remedies are more effective; they boost body’s natural defenses also relieve the symptoms. Here are some easy tips to control allergy naturally.
Natural Allergy Treatment
Taking medications for longer period often weakens the body’s defenses, and makes it difficult for medicines to work in the long run. Try treating allergies with vitamins, minerals and herbs naturally. A natural treatment for allergy strengthens the immune system and also provides adrenal support.
Vitamins And Minerals For Allergy Relief
Vitamin C With Bioflavonoids
Vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant, neutralizes the free radicals that cause allergies. Vitamin C acts as antihistamine and also has anti-inflammatory properties. It can suppress allergic reaction symptoms that have been caused by inflammation.
Recommended dose is 5000 mg a day. Food sources from where vitamin C can be obtained include strawberries, citrus fruits, broccoli, spinach, radish, kale, dandelion greens etc.
Vitamin A
For those who suffer from allergies that cause runny nose and severe coughing; it is obvious that they have inflammation. Vitamin A is good for such conditions. Vitamin A will boost the immune system and reduce inflammation. Recommended dose is 10,000 IU twice daily.
Vitamin B Complex
B vitamin is essential for digestion. Vitamin B complex can treat the allergic reactions that are related to digestion and also defend the body against stress. Add with other supplements that provide antihistamine action and boost immunity for getting best result. Recommended dose is 1000 mg.
Include lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet as they contain falvonoids and bioflavonoids that provide color to the vegetables and fruit. Flavonids also reduce the production of histamine and leukotriene.
CoQ10 is supplements that not only boosts your immunity but acts as antihistamine and also helps you deal with stress.
Vitamin D
Studies reveal that vitamin D acts as an immune system defense and protects the digestive tract against food allergens, especially in children.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
When combined with Vitamin A and Co enzyme Q10, it can provide complete allergy relief. Recommended daily dose is 100mg daily.
Calcium can bring relief from respiratory and skin allergies and magnesium may also improve allergic reaction, especially in people who have magnesium deficiency. Manganese, potassium and zinc are also useful minerals for getting relief from allergy symptoms.
Folic Acid
Folic acid produces antibodies that protect your body from allergic reaction. Dietary sources from which you can obtain folic acid include rice, wheat germ, mushroom, dates, barley, lentils and beef.
Herbal Supplements
Licorice root is an excellent herb that persuades the adrenal gland to produce hormones that fight allergies and illness and also reduce inflammation.
Licorice is available in tea form in many drug stores. Drinking licorice tea two or three times a day will bring relief from allergy symptoms.
Capsicum is a great herb with number of qualities. It contains vitamin c and quercitin which is natural antihistamine. Studies have shown that this herb can aid in allergy related respiratory problems like bronchitis, cold and asthma. It is available in capsule form.
Also Read
Effective Home Remedies For Allergies
How To Fight Adhesive Allergies
Natural Cure For Allergies In Children
How To Treat Mulberry Allergy Naturally
Nettle is another herb that naturally contains antihistamine and can treat allergy symptoms like sneezing, nasal congestion, inflammation and itchiness very well.
Eyebright can be included in your allergy treatment plan. It will work best if consumed with nutritional supplement that boost the immune function. This herb can also be taken in capsule form.
Other herbs that can be used for treating allergies are goldenseal root, ephedra, garlic and echinacea. But before taking any herbs, consult a licensed herbalist as many of these herbs are not suitable for person with chronic conditions like high blood pressure.
Identifying Food Sensitivities
Most people suffer from airborne allergies. But some people can have allergies from certain foods. If after eating certain food, your symptoms get worse, it is necessary to remove the suspected food from your diet for a week and then reintroduce the food once again, so that you can isolate any food that aggravates your allergy symptoms.
For example, people with lactose intolerance may experience uneasiness after consuming dairy products. In the same way, studies have shown that people with grass pollen allergy often react to certain foods like apple, carrot, tomatoes, eggs etc. Identifying food sensitivities and eliminating the food from your diet can prevent allergy.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.