9 Natural Cure For HPV Virus

HPV is the virus which causes warts on the body. There are about 50 types of HPV viruses, which have been identified and many of them can be cancerous or pre-cancerous. There are certain natural remedies for the HPV which can heal these warts and remove scars also.

HPV Virus

Tips To Cure HPV Virus Naturally


Folic acid, selenium and beta carotene are essential vitamins, which help in increasing the immunity. These multi vitamins will restrict the HPV virus in turning to cancerous and also help in healing them. The patient should start these multivitamins as a regular diet.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is present in citrus fruits like oranges, lime, kiwi fruits, bell peppers, strawberries and many more. These fruits will aid the immune system and will help in fighting against unwanted toxins. Green leafy fruits and vegetables will also help in curing HPV virus.

Vitamin C


Water is very essential element for our body. A lot of distilled water if consumed daily help in good bowel movement and also makes skin healthy and glowing. It purifies the blood and will help to reduce the toxins to get accumulated in the body.

Drink Water


Garlic includes healing properties and is very good in HPV virus. A lot of garlic has to be consumed by the patient. It can be b This will help you feel relaxed in couples of days.



Ginger is a natural herb which is easily available. Ginger can be added to the food, or it can be consumed in form of ginger tea. You can also take a spoon of ginger juice and mix it with half spoon of honey. Take this two times in a day and you will feel relax. This is good in case of HPV virus.


Almond, Jojoba And Tea tree Oil

Take 700% of almond oil and mix it with 5% of jojoba oil and 25% of tea tree oil. Apply this solution on the affected area with a cotton swab every five hours. This will make you get relief from the burning sensation in the warts.

Tea Tree Oil

Castor Oil

Apply castor oil on your warts; this will help in reducing them up to 90 %. Do not discontinue the use of castor oil otherwise the warts may occur again. With this application of castor oil, a good diet containing vitamin C, raw food and multivitamins is also essential.

Castor Oil

Alkaline Bath

Adding sea salt to the bathing water will help a lot in healing the warts. This bath will also soothe the skin and provides relief to the burning sensation. Some essential oils like lavender oil, tea tree, manuka and ravensare can also be added to the bathing water.

Alkaline Bath


Herbs are the natural products which help in increasing immunity and also have the antiseptic properties. There are many herbs, which help in curing HPV and these are valerian root, astragalus, lomatium root, osha root, jatamansi, passionflower, lavender flower, chamomile, goldenseal and many more. These herbs are easily available at any natural product store. Keep reading to know more.


Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.
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