6 Ways To Prevent Acid Reflux

Prevent Acid Reflux

There are various kinds of health ailments a person tends to go through and acidity is one of them. The word “reflux” originates from the word “refluxus”, which means to have a backward flow. Normally, burning of heart is misunderstood as refluxion of acid as the burning of heart provides a fiery feeling to the heart while the acid reflux is a wrong motion of the acids present in the stomach. It takes place when the acids rise high inside the esophagus because the device controlling the flow of the residue becomes improper.

Normally when the food is taken in the muscle LES remains shut but if the LES is not completely shut, the state of acid reflux takes place as the stomach acid flows back and enters the wrong tube. The individual who is affected, complains of the burning towards the chest, abnormal losing of weight, burps, swelling towards the body, vomiting, upset stomach etc. The refluxion of acid may get triggered due to obesity of an individual, gulping down of large portions of meals, smoking, sleeping after a snack etc. and these should be completely avoided to attain a proper digestion. There are various measures which can be adopted to prevent this problem and they are:

Ways To Prevent Acid Reflux

Proper Physical Activity

Exercising is recommended for many situations and is very necessary for an individual in their daily lives. An obese person makes his or her life difficult themselves by not exercising and not being active. Exercise helps an individual to remain fit and active both. The body is made up of various organs which are interconnected to each other and if one gets affected, the other one gets affected naturally.

Proper Physical Activity

When an individual intakes food, it moves through the esophagus first and then enters the stomach. The minerals are extracted by the body while this motion is on and the food moves into the abdominal area. With the decrease in weight the refluxion decreases to a great extent and after the food is taken in, no physical activity should be adopted. Mild movements and exercises should be adopted to decrease the problem and proper body postures like sitting upright should be adopted.

A Healthy Diet

A proper healthy and a balanced diet should be adopted while there are few foods to be adopted and few of them to be abstained from. The foods play a significant role in keeping the body healthy and helps in creating a proper balance. Certain foods which should be abstained from to avoid refluxion of acid are caffeine products and alcohol since they increase the percentage of acid in an individual if consumed in large amounts.

A Healthy Diet

Caffeine products and drinks should be consumed not more than two times. The refluxion of acid increases with the intake of fats as they break down very slowly, leaving apart the omega-fatty acids. Foods enriched with chocolate flavor and minted flavor should be all consumed in small quantities. The dairy products contain a high amount of calcium so they should be abstained from and few foods like oranges, cauliflower etc. which tend to be acidic in nature should be kept a track of.

How To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux
How To Treat Acid Reflux Effectively
Diet For Acid Reflux

Bring A Change In The Lifestyle

The lifestyle of a man today has become very different from the earlier times as in the earlier times good food was consumed and there were good physical activities done by the people. In today’s life an individual has become very lazy and wants everything done in a flick of a second. Certain lifestyles if adopted can lead to a good life and a decrement in the refluxion of acid. An individual should get away from smoking as smoking harms the proper functioning of the body and the amount of acid increases through smoking.

Bring A Change In The Lifestyle

Elevation of head while a sleep should not be more than six inches since the stomach below has the contents inside it in a lower position. If the height is raised then it is harmful because it creates an extra pressure towards the abdomen and during afternoons a short sleep is preferred on the chair. Loose apparel should be worn by the individual as tight apparel creates a pressure towards the abdomen area.

Track Down The Foods To Avoid

An individual who is affected with acid reflux should keep a track of the food which is harming the individual and the deeds if avoided can create a decrease in the acid reflux. A proper record or journal should be maintained by the person who is affected as it helps in getting the life on track and changing of the lifestyle. The trigger of signals causing acid reflux should be noted down well and the timings of consumption of food should be kept as overeating might create a problem.

Track Down The Foods To Avoid

The chronic symptoms should be taken care of because the severity depends on a person to person and proper medications can be adopted for the problems. Proper type of reactions towards the food and other activities should be noted down as changes in the routine is recommendatory. A proper consultation should be made and this record will help in keeping a proper check.

Benefits Of Chewing Gums

Chewing gums are quite helpful as it helps in reducing the extra skin and flabs around the face and even helps in decreasing the acid reflux.

Benefits Of Chewing Gums

Through chewing of gums, the secretion of saliva gets stimulated and triggered and the bicarbonate present in the saliva removes the effect of the acid. Chewing of gums even help in a faster digestion as the food and other contents move out of stomach and enter the smaller intestine rapidly.

The Ayurveda Effects

Basil leaves are very helpful and they minimize the symptoms of acid reflux. The leaves of basil should be put into hot water and boiled. After the straining, the residue should be cooled.

The Ayurveda Effects

The residue once brewed should be sipped each day along with the sweetener for getting away with the problems. The herb can be consumed in form of a tablet and can be chewed raw for the extraction of benefits.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.

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