4 Home Remedies For Sunburn


Remedies For Sunburn

Sun burn is a condition that is caused by excessive exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. You should try to avoid spending too much time in sun between 12 and 3 PM during summer season. You should wear a hat or sun glasses when you go out. You should wear a light colored dress and cotton is the best fabric for summer time.

Apply a sunscreen lotion having a sun protection factor of more than 15 to body. You should drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. Despite your best efforts, if you suffer from sun burn, you can follow these home remedies for sunburn.

Home Remedies For Sunburn

Apply Aloe Vera Paste To Reduce Sun Burn

There are many benefits of aloe vera paste and the chief one is that it reduces the pain on sun burned area. You can also apply Aloe Vera gel or skin lotion as substitute to aloe vera paste. Aloe vera contains all the necessary vitamins except Vitamin D. This paste is known for its restorative process and antioxidant properties. There are moisturizing benefits to aloe vera paste.

Aloe Vera

Apply Yogurt

Naturally made yogurt in home is the best remedy for sun burn. You should apply the yogurt on the burned areas many times and that will speed up the process of healing. It is better that you apply yogurt when your skin turns pink rather than waiting for burn to escalate.


You can add aloe vera gel to yogurt and mix it together before applying on the sun burned skin. You can substitute aloe vera with mashed strawberries and apply it on sun burned skin. You should allow the yogurt mixture to remain on your skin for twenty minutes. You should wash the yogurt from the skin when yogurt becomes dry. You can apply yogurt directly on sun burn or you can soak a cloth in yogurt and you can compress the soaked cloth against sun burned skin.

Apply Apple Cider Vinegar and Cucumber to Reduce Sun Burn

You can apply apple cider vinegar to sun burned skin and you should apply it with cotton or cloth. The role of apple cider vinegar is to prevent the appearance of blisters and would minimize skin peeling. You should apply cucumber to give a soothing feeling. You can make a mixture of lemon-cucumber juice and apply it on sun burned areas.


Apply Oat Meal, Tea Bags And Lavender

Oats has anti-inflammatory properties making it suitable for sun burn treatment. You should mix a cup of oats in lukewarm water and leave it for soaking for fifteen minutes. You should apply the paste on the sun burned areas.

Tea Bags

You can boil tea bags in water and you should apply the tea mixture on sun burned areas after cooling the mixture. You can keep the tea in fridge or add some ice to the tea mixture to make it more effective. You should take 20 drops of lavender oil in a cup of water and mix it well and you should apply it on the affected area.

4 Remedies For Sunburn

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.