Home Remedies For Rhinitis

RhinitisRhinitis is an air borne bacterial nasal infection. The mucous membrane inside the nose gets irritated due to certain substances and becomes inflamed and swollen. There are two types of rhinitis. Allergic and non allergic. The more common of the two is allergic rhinitis.  It is also known as hay fever. The main cause of allergic rhinitis is pollen, dust particles, smoke and strong fragrance. The main function of the nose is to filter and warm the air which we breathe and supply pure air to the lungs.

But due to several dust particles or other substances present in the air, the air which we breathe causes irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane causing infection. The main symptoms of rhinitis are runny nose, headache, watery and red eyes, sore throat, sneezing and tiredness.  Symptoms of non allergic rhinitis are similar to allergic ones. Non allergic rhinitis happens due to sudden temperature change or too much exposure to cold.

Various Home Remedies For Rhinitis


Neti is the ancient and most effective way to cure rhinitis. Neti pots are easily available in the market. Fill a neti pot with a solution of warm distilled or filtered water and some salt.  Inhale the water from one nostril and flush it out from the other nostril.


This clears the whole nasal passage of the accumulated mucus, bacteria and other impurities making the forehead very light and clear. First time users may experience some burning sensation in the nose and forehead for a few minutes.



Warm vapors when inhaled reduce the swelling in the mucous membranes and release the mucus from the nose and throat. To increase the effectiveness, one can put a small amount of Vicks in the water. Vicks vapors are very good for runny nose and headaches.

Green Tea

Green tea as we all know is very rich in antioxidants which scavenge all the harmful free radicals form the body and expel them out of it. The medicinal compounds found in green tea inhibit the production of too much mucus and negate the impact of the allergens quickly.

Green Tea

Boil a cup of water and steep one teaspoon of green tea into it for ten minutes. Strain the tea  mix some honey and lemon with it and drink it three or four times daily to feel very refreshed and active.


Turmeric has great healing properties and is very high in anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It can bring instant relief in the sore throat, headache and runny nose and can neutralize the effect of the allergens by boosting immunity.


Hot milk with one teaspoon of turmeric should be consumed every night before going to bed. Turmeric will also heal the overall soreness.


Flaxseeds are a very good source of omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids have the most powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which can fight allergies quickly and effectively.

These fatty acids also strengthen the immune system and enable it to function optimally. Eat two tablespoons of flaxseeds with your cereal every morning.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.