10 Effective Home Remedies For Hair

Be it because of the current deficient diet, the innumerable hair salons that claim to restore the health of your hair by using powerful treatments, the build-up of environmental toxins or excess of stress, hair fall has now plagued the self-esteem of a great percentage of people – both men and women.

Remedies For Hair

Moreover, as you age, especially after the age of 50, the hair begins to progressively become thinner and lose its vitality. An adequate supply of vitamins and minerals through your daily diet or by the use of natural remedies can help you prevent hair loss and stimulate re-growth of your hair.

Furthermore, with so many myths about hair growth surrounding us, there is an increasing need of sound scientific knowledge about how each remedy works and how it can be utilized to promote the growth of healthy and lustrous hair. Read on to familiarize yourself with some amazing home remedies that have shown great results for many.

Tips for Hair-Care Using Home Remedies


Replace your hair conditioners laden with harsh chemicals with a regular henna treatment to repair dull and damaged hair. It strengthens your hair by nourishing it with sufficient amounts of protein that promote the synthesis of keratin, which serves as a building block for your hair.

Add additional ingredients of your choice like egg yolk, black tea, olive oil, curd, honey, etc. to obtain soft, silky and smooth hair. It is a very ancient recipe used for imparting a lustrous shine, volume and brownish red color to your hair. Use this remedy at least once a month as a deep conditioner to strengthen your hair follicles and the cuticle layers that protect your hair from external damage.


Spinach Juice

Packed with essential nutrients like iron, manganese, potassium, sulfur, zinc, vitamin A, B1, B2, C, folic acid, etc., spinach serves as an indispensable remedy for promoting the repair of damaged hair. Its vitamin content (vitamin A and B) promotes hair growth and repair. Sulfur promotes hair- attractiveness and vitamin C eliminates all the harmful free radicals that weaken the hair from its roots.

Besides giving you healthy and strong hair, drinking spinach juice two to three times a week is also a very well known remedy for obtaining soft and silky hair. Wash spinach leaves, grind them and squeeze the juice out by using a cloth or a sieve. Add one lemon juice and pepper or any other spice of your choice for a tangy flavor.

Spinach Juice

Eggs And Mayonnaise

Known for its very high protein content, eggs serve as a very good replacement for the conventional protein treatments that hair salons offer at exorbitant prices. They are known for their ability to strengthen hair follicles, promote hair growth and for adding a lustrous volume and shine to your hair.

Mayonnaise is yet another powerful ingredient for supplying your hair with adequate amounts of protein and fatty acids that keep your hair hydrated and moisturized. To obtain strong, shiny and soft hair, crack open an egg in a bowl and whisk it using a fork. Add one cup of mayonnaise and a teaspoon of honey and massage it into your hair. Wrap a warm cloth around it and shampoo your hair using lukewarm water after 15 minutes.

Eggs And Mayonnaise

Diet to Promote the Growth of Healthy Hair

The key to obtaining strong and healthy hair is to improve the health of your scalp and to arrest hair fall. Our hair contains about 70% protein, which makes protein rich foods like dark green vegetables, pulses, eggs, etc., a luxurious treat for the hair.

Vitamin C rich foods like citrus, guavas, broccoli, etc., act as potent detoxifies by preventing the attack on hair follicles by free radicals. If you are attempting to repair your damaged hair, enrich your diet with vitamin B rich foods like nuts, wheat grains, cereals, etc. to promote blood circulation in the scalp for promoting the growth of new hair.

Vitamin C rich foods

Avocado And Banana Mask

Endowed with omega-3- fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are required for synthesizing hair proteins, avocado acts as a delight for your hair. Through their high content of potassium, manganese, vitamin B-6, anti-oxidants etc., banana acts as an icing on the cake, when mixed with avocado.

Mash a ripe avocado and add a mashed banana, egg yolk, two teaspoons of honey and one teaspoon of olive oil to this paste. Apply this to your hair and allow it to stay for an hour for moisturizing and strengthening dry and damaged hair. Wash it gently using a mild shampoo.

Avocado And Banana Mask

Massage Hot Oil Into Hair

The importance of regularly massaging hot oil into your scalp cannot be emphasized enough. There are a variety of oils like coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, rosemary oil, etc. that you can apply to your hair, the most commonly used one being coconut oil. Although, all these oils come with a variety of anti-microbial agents, essential fats and minerals that are required for hair growth, the key to utilizing its benefits is through a good scalp massage.

A good massage stimulates blood circulation in the scalp and with more blood flowing to your hair, the supply of nutrients that promote hair growth to the hair follicles increases. Moreover, using lukewarm oil can allow the heat to open and unclog the pores or follicles on your scalp by killing the bacteria, thus enabling a better percolation of the oil into your scalp.

Massage Hot Oil

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Natural Remedies For Hair Growth

Yogurt and Lime

Yogurt is rich in milk proteins and is packed with B complex vitamins and essential minerals like calcium, zinc, etc. that promote the growth of strong and healthy hair. When combined with lime, it gives you additional benefits of strengthening your scalp and hair roots by providing vitamin C that helps in clearing free radicals, dust and bacteria that retard hair growth. Moreover, lime juice is very effective for eliminating dandruff and flakes that can cause considerable damage to your hair.

It also imparts smoothness and shine to your hair by promoting the secretion of natural oils from the scalp. Add 3-4 tablespoons of curd, one tablespoon of lemon juice and half a tablespoon of olive oil for an extra moisturizing effect. Apply this to the scalp and the hair and cover your head with a plastic wrap for about 30-45 minutes. Wash your hair using a mild shampoo.

Yogurt and Lime

Wheat Grass Juice

This remedy serves as one of the most effective nature’s hair-growth stimulating juice for dry, irritated or infected scalp. Enriched with an impressive range of as many as 102 minerals, vitamins, fats, phyto-nutrients and antioxidants, wheat grass is known for its remarkable ability of regenerating and restoring the natural strength and color of your hair. Extract the juice from wheat grass and blend it with cilantro. Drink this juice, first thing in the morning 2-3 times a week to add volume to your hair and to prevent itr from shredding.

Wheat Grass Juice

Citrus Lift

Rich in vitamin A and C, citrus fruits like lemon, oranges, grapefruits, etc. are loaded with anti-oxidants that scavenge and eliminate harmful free radicals from the body. This enhances the strength of your immune system to ward off bacteria that weaken the hair follicles and promote hair loss.

Take a spray bottle and add 1/4th cup each of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, orange juice, lemon juice, club soda and a few drops of sage essential oil. Wet your hair and spray this mix on the strands to get rid of parched and dull hair. Comb well and leave it on for 2-4 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water using a mild shampoo. However, excess of vitamin C can increase the absorption rate of your medications. Hence, always consult your doctor before using citrus lift as a remedy for obtaining healthy hair.

Citrus Lift

Apple Cider Vinegar

Packed with essential minerals, proteins and probiotics, apple cider vinegar acts as a very effective remedy for eliminating dandruff, tangles and frizziness from your hair. It has been used since a long time for restoring the health of dull, dry and damaged hair by eliminating dandruff. In order to obtain lustrous and silky hair, rinse your hair after shampooing with a solution of half cup of vinegar mixed with two cups of lukewarm water. Leave it applied on the scalp, along with a few drops of sage oil for about 30 minutes. Use it once a week as a natural conditioner or as often as you, depending on your hair type.

Well, who does not want to have good hair these days? All you have to do is to work out the right combination of remedies for yourself and stay dedicated to improve your hair by adapting a healthy life-style. Most of us do not follow natural remedies on a regular basis and resort to expensive salon treatments and products, which may give you an instant relief but in a long run they can do you more harm than good.

Hence, following the aforementioned home remedies regularly not only help you in restoring the strength and moisture of your hair, but also save you from spending money on expensive hair nourishing product marketed by several brands .

Apple Cider Vinegar

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.