8 Best Yoga Ball Exercises To Increase Stability

Best Yoga Ball Exercises To Increase Stability

Yoga ball exercises are efficiently increases body strength, tone your body and increase the stability. These exercises are not so easy to perform. These are really tough and it toned your every body parts. Moreover, these exercises provide you some unique forms of yoga which you will enjoy doing.

Let’s Focus On The Best Yoga Ball Exercises To Increase Body Stability:

Squat Wall

Place stability ball between your middle of the back and the wall. Stand on the plain floor you should lean on the ball. Gripped your hands and place it just front of the chest. Now roll the ball on the wall with your back and act like you are sitting on the invisible chair and get back to the lean position with rolling the ball. Practice Squat Wall for fifteen times a day.

Squat Wall

Single Leg Squat Wall

When you feel comfortable then try this one legged squat. Stand in the previous position with the ball behind the back. Then spread out your left leg in front of you parallel to the floor with locked knee. Give your pressure on the right foot for the balancing. Now slowly come to the squat position and go back to the standing position. Never put down the left leg. It should be extended during this exercise. Practice this exercise for about fifteen times on each side and then switch the side.

Single Leg Squat Wall

Balancing Reverse Lunge

Put the ball behind you and lift your right leg on the ball. Place the toes on the ball. Balance yourself on the left leg. Put your hands on the waist for better balance. Now lunge into the left knee. When you extend your right leg back, the ball roll out and you complete the lunge position. You will feel a stretch on your hips. Now use the power of your left leg to bring back your position by rolling the ball. You can switch the legs and practice this yoga exercise at least for fifteen times at a stretch.

Balancing Reverse Lunge

Balancing Ball Push Up

Push up is always good for increasing body stability. When you do push ups with an exercise ball that means you are doing a tough exercise as well as you strengthen the entire body. Place the ball and place your feet on the ball. Place your hands just under your shoulders. Be in the plank position. Lower the chest towards the ground with help of hands and shoulders then lift the body from the ground. The body weight will be on the hands and the shoulders. Do these push ups for about fifteen to twenty times per day.

Balancing Ball Push Up

Plank To Pike

This yoga ball exercise strengthens your whole body. First come to the plank position. Put your feet on the ball and place your hands on the floor. Now balance on your hands and feet and pull your naval inside. Try to lift your back upward and then release and come to the plank position. When you will lift your back it will look like opposite “V”. Keep the hands and legs straight. Practice this yoga for about fifteen times a day.

Plank To Pike

Passing The Ball

Lie down on the floor with stretched hands and legs. Hold the ball with your hands. Engage your tummy and core in this exercise. Now pass the ball from hands to the feet and feet to the hands. You should hold the ball with your two feet. When you will hold the ball with your arms and took it upward simultaneously your legs will be straight and flat. When you pass the ball you just pull your hands and legs together simultaneously over your face and pass the ball. This whole action will work fast. Practice this exercise for fifteen times.

Passing The Ball

Balancing Oblique Crunch

Place the ball and put your side portion on the ball. Place exactly the middle portion of your rib cage and hips. Bend your elbows and put your hands behind your head. Balance yourself on your stretched legs. Now crunch your upper body up and down slowly for about fifteen times. Then switch the sides.

Balancing Oblique Crunch

Lower Back Extension

Finish your ball exercising with this exercise. Put the ball in front of you and kneel down. Then place your belly on the ball. Stretch your legs and get the support by the shoe toe. Now stretch your hands on the sides like T position. Start the exercise. Lift your upper body from the ball with the help of shoulder muscles. Then get down on the ball. When you pull your body you are giving a pressure on the abdomen. Practice this exercise fifteen times a day for best result.

Lower Back Extension

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