
6 Diet And 5 Lifestyle Changes To Cure And Manage Hypertension

Hypertension cures

Often termed as the silent killer, high blood pressure or hypertension affects more than 25% of young population in the world and take them closer to the increased health risks of cardiovascular diseases or organ failure. One of the great drawbacks of hypertension is that it has no symptoms at all and this disease can persist in the human body for years, without getting detected. That is possibly the reason why curing and managing high blood pressure is not easier. No doubt, medications are available for this disease but it is much better to take preventions in order to manage hypertension.

Dietary Changes to Manage Hypertension:

Latest research works have shown that changes in food habits and diet intake can reduce the risk of hypertension and it will definitely become a boon for you. Here, some essential food changes have been described which can greatly reduce the signs of hypertension and even can treat it.

Lower Intake of Sodium

Sodium is a major ingredient to salt and it must be taken in controlled manner. Low intake of salt or sodium will certainly decrease the high blood pressure rate and save you from the risks of hypertension. Daily consumption of about 1500 milligrams is enough to keep blood pressure in control. It is much better to read the salt content on labels and use added flavors to replace sodium content in your diet. You should also avoid processed foods.

sodium intake

Take Healthy Diet

Your diet should be strictly inspired by DASH program or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension which recommends higher intake of leafy vegetables, fruits, whole grains and diet rich in potassium. Potassium is thought to eliminate or greatly reduce the effects of sodium on your body and blood pressure.

healthy diet

Low-fat and Cholesterol Based Diet

You should always try your best to take food stuffs that are low in cholesterol and fat levels.


Eat Fish

If you are going through any weight loss program, try to take plenty of fish products and items in order to lower the blood pressure.

fish intake

Fibrous Items

People should focus on taking more and more fibrous food stuffs which play important role in decreasing blood pressure thus; finally hypertension will decrease.

fibre rich food

Stop or Limit Alcohol Intake

Excessive intake of alcohol will definitely increase blood pressure in your body which is not a good sign. Of course, you should limit drinking of alcohol so that your stay healthy and fine for a longer period of time.

drinking alchohol

Lifestyle Changes to Manage and Cure Hypertension:

Regular Exercise Regimes

Rather than going for sudden regime of exercise, you should plan for regular exercise regimes which will definitely count for the decreased blood pressure. Safer levels of blood pressure can be easily achieved with physical activity and exercise.

streching exercise

Lose your Weight

Hypertension chances will automatically increase if your weight increases thus; losing weight will add to the benefit section. Waist measurement should also be done periodically because higher weight on the waist section will result in higher blood pressure.

Weight Loss

Eliminate Smoking and Tobacco

Nicotine increases the blood pressure thus; it becomes essential for you to quit smoking in any way and put a cut on intake of tobacco products.

avoid smoking

Stress Removal

Higher levels of anxiety or stress will work in favor of hypertension. People should always try to manage stress levels through deep-breathing exercises or yoga programs and meditation.

Breathing Exercise


Regular Analysis of Blood Pressure

Since hypertension is a silent killer, you will have to keep your eyes on the blood pressure in equal intervals so that you can take prevention measures and dietary changes. Of course, this will require you make timely visits to doctor for BP checkups.

blood pressure check

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.