15 Health Benefits Of Tomatillos

benefits of tomatillos

Tomatillo is a staple in Mexico, a country where it is being cultivated since the pre Columbian days. It is also known as Mexican husk due to the signature appearance and husk case. It is usually green in color and even tastes much like the red tomato. Other colors that tomatillos might turn into once they are ripe are yellow, red etc. To say the least, owing to its Mexican roots of production, tomatillos are an integral part of every Mexican cuisine. You can also reap rich health dividends from this ripe fruit which is surprisingly beneficial for many chronic diseases. Read on to explore the 15 health benefits and you may want to grow them in your farm afterwards.

Here Are The Health Benefits Of Tomatillos:

Enhances Digestion

Being from the tomato family, tomatillo also contains large amount of fiber that improves digestion and regular serving of this vegetable in raw form can prevent formation of gases, fuller stomach etc.

Improves Digestion

Cholesterol Reduction

Another major health concern in modern times i.e. high cholesterol can also be brought down to manageable levels with tomatillos. Once again it is high fiber content that comes to the fore. Reduced cholesterol cuts the risk of strokes and heart attack with ease.

Cholesterol Reduction

Weight Loss

Of course the list of weight loss fruits and vegetables is almost complete but this lesser known husk coated vegetable is also worthy of mentioning. It is watery, fibrous and also contains Vitamin A which does not promote binge eating at all.

Weight Loss

Improves Eyesight

Filled with beta carotene and Vitamin A, it completes the requirement of the body to improve eyesight related issues. So much so that cataract, an eyesight defect due to old age can also be addressed. An ideal and simple dish will be tomatillo soup.

Improves Eyesight

Boosts Your Energy

You may not have noticed but a lot of athletes include tomatillos in their strict diet regimen. That is because it is source to what is known as Niacin. Niacin has the same quality as any other types of Vitamin B. The process of energy formation by Niacin is done by molecules from the tomatillo that is made simpler in structure internally.

Boosts Your Energy

Checks Blood Pressure

Nervous system health is duly maintained by tomatillos which contains potassium and sodium. This does not burden the blood vessel to pump out oxygenated blood.

Checks Blood Pressure

For Cancer Patients

There is a very rare type of antioxidant known as withanolides which is dead against cancer. This special type of antioxidant which is a type of pythochemical produces lots of health cells by increasing the rate cell growth thereby annihilating any cancerous cells.

For Cancer Patients

Tissue Cell Growth

Presence of abscorbic acid ensures that the body tissues are developed by a process of synthesis for collagen.

Tissue Cell Growth

Good For Immune System

Tomatillos contain Vitamin C in abundance which prevents against all foreign particles and even pathogens. The purpose of white blood cell formation against immunity system is served by eating tomatillos more often.

Good For Immune System

Good To Combat Influenza

You or perhaps one of your dear ones must have suffered from influenza. Tomatillos in any form are too good to ward off influenza. Once again tomatillo sauce should be taken while nursing influenza.

Good To Combat Influenza

Fat Cutter

Before burning fat, tomatillo dissolve in the fat and shreds them as to speed up the entire process of fat loss.

Fat Cutter

Less Risk Of Tumor

Withanolides in tomatillos is once again a catalyst and this time it is tumor whose risk of being developed is lessened.

Less Risk Of Tumor

Less In Calories

Calories consumed is calories lost. Therefore tomatillos are one of the very few vegetables that have very less calories in the first place. Latest findings have shown that a tomatillo of regular size contains as low as 11 calories to start with. Therefore taking more than the optimum quantity will not affect the diet plan adversely.

Less In Calories

Blood Generation

It is rich in vitamins and minerals that are extremely necessary for the formation of blood in the body. The more you consume tomatillo, the faster this process becomes.

Blood Generation

Good Against Common Cold

As mentioned earlier goodness of tomatillo soup cannot be substituted in the form of soup. So add a bit of more immune strengthening spices like ginger and garlic that multiply to make a recipe against common cold.

Good Against Common Cold

But you must also ensure that too much tomatillo may be consumed only once in a while as it contains fructose. Fructose level has to be optimum consistently. If you want to avail the above mentioned benefits you need to include tomatillo in your diet effectively. As always, eat fresh as possible.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.