9 Ways To Remove A Mole

Remove A Mole

A mole is a cluster of pigmented cells seen on the skin. It may appear anywhere on the body and will have a round or oval shape. Sometimes moles are present on the body at the time of birth itself; however they may also develop during puberty or pregnancy. Usually moles are harmless, but at times they may be the starting point of carcinoma. Even if the moles are harmless, it may affect the beauty. If you want to get rid of a mole that is unsightly, you can do it at home without surgery.

Removal of mole is carried out either by surgery or burning the mole and both of them are costly and may even produce scars on the skin. Hence, you can try home remedies for mole removal. Home remedies are supposed to be the safest, painless, cheap and scar free remedies for mole. Most of the home remedies help to soften gradual removal of the mole and they can be carried out easily at home.

9 Home Remedies For Mole Removal


Dandelion roots are ideal for removing a mole, hence rub a dandelion root on the affected part of the skin until a milky juice comes out of the root and smear the mole completely. Repeat the process thrice a day to remove the mole quickly.



Ground some flaxseeds and combine this powder with flaxseed oil and honey to make a paste. Apply this paste on the mole at least thrice a day and this helps to remove the moles in a few weeks.


Fruit Juice

Many fruits such as green apples, pineapple, grapefruit, fig etc. have the ability to remove moles. Apply the juice taken from any one of these fruits on the mole, three or four times a day to get quick result.

Fruit Juice


Make a paste out of three or four garlic cloves and spread the paste on the mole and keep it covered with the help of a bandage. The best time to apply garlic paste is night and you can remove the bandage the next morning.



Get the extract of milkweed herb and apply this on the mole daily before going to bed. Continue this for a week and you can observe considerable difference in the appearance of the mole.


Baking Soda

Get a small pinch of baking soda and mix it with a few drops of castor oil. Spread this paste on the mole and keep it overnight to get quick result. Continue the application of this paste for a few days for mole removal.

Baking Soda

Drumstick Pods

Grind few drumstick pods and mix it with fresh lime juice. Apply this paste on the mole and you can notice the mole getting disappearedg in a few days.

Drumstick Pods

Cauliflower Juice

Extract some juice from cauliflower and apply it on the skin daily. This helps to peel off the skin and thus remove the mole easily.

Cauliflower Juice

Cider Vinegar

Cider vinegar is the best remedy for mole removal and for this you need to wash the affected area with hot water. After drying the skin apply cider vinegar with a cotton swab. Keep the cider vinegar for ten minutes on the skin and then wash off with cool water. You can repeat this process, five to six times a day. Similarly grape seed extract, tea tree oil, coriander paste etc. are all beneficial for mole removal.

Cider Vinegar

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.