Home Remedies For Pinworms

The pinworm is also known as seatworm or threadworm and is a common intestinal parasite that is normally seen in children. These worms are white in color and have thin shape. The males are smaller than the female worms and are generally visible at night in the rectal area. The pinworms are contagious and can be contracted by inhaling or ingesting the eggs.


The pinworm infections are quite common and occur frequently in children in the age group of 5 – 10 years. It is generally spread among family members. Animals don’t harbor them and the only host is humans.

The pinworm infections are quite annoying, but they rarely lead to any serious health complications and are generally not dangerous. Besides routine prescription medications, there are a number of home remedies that can provide effective treatment and you can get rid of them for good.

Home Remedies to Treat Pinworm Infections


Garlic is used effectively used to treat pinworm infection. You can use garlic in a number of ways. One of the basic methods is by consuming fresh garlic. If you can stomach the taste, you could eat some cloves of garlic every day. If the taste of this herb is unbearable then include plenty of fresh garlic in your daily meals. Powdered garlic is also quite effective.

The other method of using garlic is by preparing a topical cream. Grind cloves of garlic to a fine paste. Mix Vaseline with a pinch of this paste and apply it to the anal region. Besides, killing the eggs of the pinworm, it also reduces itching. Garlic extract is prepared by mixing 300 g of garlic pieces with vodka (300 ml).

This mixture is placed in the dark for about 7 days. After seven days, you can filter the mix and take a drop of it 3 times every day along with cold milk (1/2 glass). The dosage must be increased by a drop with every intake. Once you reach 24 drops, decrease the dose by one drop, until you reach a drop again.

After this, the entire extract must be consumed by taking 24 drops three times every day. Peeled garlic is cut into pieces (2-3 cloves if you are above 20 years) and mixed with milk (1 glass). Boil this milk and allow it to sit overnight. In the morning, filter and take the mix thirty minutes before your breakfast.



The extract of grapefruit is another effective home remedy to get rid of pinworms in the body. This extract is available either in tablet or liquid form. It can be purchased online or in any health food stores. About 3 pills three times in a day is the recommended dosage for a week.

In case, you are taking it in the liquid form then consume about 10 drops of liquid mixed in water (1 glass) 3 times a day. Continue the treatment for a week and even after a week, if the person does not show any improvement, you need to consult a physician.



Wormwood is a powerful worm-killing chemical. Hence, it is used as a medication to get rid of pinworms and also to cure other kinds of parasitic infections. Santonin, thujone and isothujone are some of the active ingredients present in wormwood. All of these are known to provide an effective remedy against parasitic diseases.

It weakens the membranes of the parasites, thereby killing them. You can consume wormwood in the form of tea. Steep about a ¼ tsp of wormwood in a glass of warm water and drink the entire concoction, preferably right after you wake up. The treatment is continued for the whole day by consuming 1 tsp of the brew every 2 – 3 hours.



Seeds such as pumpkin and flaxseeds work as an effective home cure for pinworms. Separate dry and raw pumpkin seeds (300 g, but if you are treating children, then it is 45 – 150 grams, depending on the child’s age) in small portions and pound them. Add water (500 ml) and keep the mix for about 2 hours on a low-heat. Once the mixture is cooled, filter it by removing the layer of oil.

Take a tablespoon of the mixture for one hour, every fifteen minutes. Drink the laxative again after 2 hours, wait for 2 hours and then consume a thin and liquid meal like hot oatmeal. Ten parts of flaxseeds and 1 part of cloves are powdered. This powder is added to meals or 1 tsp of it is consumed directly.

This treatment is continued for a month alternating by taking the powdered flaxseeds for 3 days and then discontinuing for 3 days. About 25 g must be taken for every 130 pounds. Also, you can try using squash seeds. About 50 grams of squash seeds are mixed with boiling water (1 glass). After the mixture is boiled for 15 minutes, filter the concoction and drink a cup of the extract between the meals.



Take fresh coconut (1 tablespoon) during breakfast, followed by castor oil (1 tsp) 3 hours later. Continue to do this every day until the parasites are completely eliminated.

Coconut Milk

White Willow Bark

This is a rich source of salicylic acid, which is also a common ingredient of aspirin. It can be used to treat pinworms effectively.

Willow Bark

Diatomaceous Earth

The diatomaceous earth of food-grade quality can be used to treat the infection caused due to pinworms. This chalky, sedimentary rock is made from diatoms (fossilized small algae), which can dehydrate the parasites and destroy them slowly.

Diatomaceous Earth


Parasites usually thrive on sugar. Therefore, a person whose diet is rich in sugar and carbohydrates is vulnerable to pinworm infestation. In case, your child has pinworms then make sure to limit the intake of carbohydrates and sugar.


Apple Cider Vinegar

It is essential to slightly reduce the pH of the digestive tract, as this kind of environment is unfavorable for pinworms. Add apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoon) to water (1 glass) and drink the mixture every day.

Apple Cider Vinegar


Eat a cup of grated carrots every morning and before going to bed, which will help to push the worms out of the intestine. Children can take the carrots mixed with 1 tbsp of honey.


Other Home Cures

You can include fibrous foods like vegetables and grains in your daily diet. Fruits such as watermelon, pumpkins and papaya are quite useful in treating pinworms.

Green Vegetables

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.