4 Diet Remedies For Asthma Sufferers

 Asthma Sufferers

Food allergies being one of the causes for the problem of asthma, they can be avoided completely by following a good and healthy diet. Inflammation of the mucus membrane present inside the nasal cavity results in the problem of asthma.

Avoiding food items that can activate the problem of asthma can be helpful in reducing the risk of asthma attacks. Frequent sneezing and watery eyes can be noticed in an asthma sufferer. Here are some of the diet remedies to be followed for preventing frequent asthma attacks.

4 Diet Remedies For Asthma

Turmeric is proved to be effective in preventing the attack as well as curing the problem of asthma. An excellent paste can be prepared by combining about one teaspoon of powdered turmeric and two teaspoons of honey. Taking a teaspoon of this paste twice a day can be helpful in preventing the problem. Taking a teaspoon of turmeric dust by dissolving it in a cup of warm milk can also be useful in curing the problem of asthma. For better results, this solution can be taken before and after the asthma attacks.


Consuming whole grains, cereals, nuts and vegetables can be regarded as one of the important diet remedies for preventing asthma attacks. Recent researches have proved that consuming whole grains can very effectively reduce the risk of asthma by about 50%. This is one of the finest diet remedies in the case of asthma in children. Food items like rice, whole grain bread, brown rice, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta etc. can be included in the daily diet of the asthma patient.

Whole Grains

Including green vegetables in the daily diets of the asthma sufferers can be regarded as one of the effective diet remedy for the problem of the same. Vitamin B is found to be essential in protecting our body from asthma attacks. Green leafy vegetables, sunflower seeds, legumes, pumpkin, spinach etc. are proved to be rich in Vitamin B. Consuming fresh fruits like papaya, grapes, banana etc. can also be beneficial in curing the problem of asthma.

Green Vegtables

Having a nutritious diet can be helpful in preventing the problem of asthma. Vitamin E and Vitamin C are proved to be essential for protecting our body from asthma attacks. Eating Vitamin E rich fruits in abundance is found to be helpful in reducing the asthma attacks. Vitamin C rich food items like broccoli, guava, kiwi, strawberries, oranges etc. can be consumed in plenty along with other healthy foods. This is found to be useful in improving the health of our lungs.

Foods To Be Avoided

Food additives especially benzoates, sulphites, gallates etc. can generate the problem of asthma. Food items including these additives should be avoided from the daily diet of the patient experiencing the problem of asthma. Avoiding food colors can also be helpful in reducing the problem.

Avoided Jelly Product

Royal jelly products should be avoided from the diet of the asthma sufferer as this can activate the disease. Consuming food items like corn, wheat, beans, potatoes etc. can also activate the problem of asthma. Seafood, fish and meat should be restricted from the daily diets of the asthma patients.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.