Cervical spondylosis is an age related condition that develops due to wear and tear of the tissues, bones and cartilage of the cervical spine. It causes extreme pain in the neck and shoulder. Though cervical spondylosis effects mainly people above the age of 50, anyone can get affected by this disorder due to incorrect posture, overweight, genetic factors and work that puts lot of stress on the neck. Cervical spondylosis often does not cause any noticeable symptoms. However, stiffness and soreness in the neck, pain in neck and forearms and inability to move the neck, muscle weakness and headache are some of the typical symptoms of cervical spondylosis. If your job involves sitting on the computer for long hours, take frequent breaks and also adopt a moderate exercise plan to prevent cervical spondylosis at old age.
Rest, exercise, simple lifestyle changes and few simple home remedies can bring relief from pain. However, doctors recommend surgery in worst cases.
Here Are Top 10 Remedies You Can Try To Reduce Pain And Stiffness In The Neck Joint And Strengthen The Neck Muscles:
Epsom Salt Bath
Epsom salt bath can be used to ease the symptoms associated with cervical spondylosis. Epsom salt contains magnesium which regulates pH level of the body and helps to reduce stiffness, pain and inflammation of the spinal region. Take warm bath after adding 2 cups of Epsom salt in your bath water. Soak your body, particularly neck region, for at least 15-20 minutes in this water to get relief.
The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of garlic can bring relief from pain and inflammation in neck and shoulder. You can take 2-3 raw garlics every morning on empty stomach with water or garlic capsule after consulting your physician. Another way you can use garlic is by heating mustard or any other vegetable oil after adding 2-3 cloves of crushed garlic. Massage this oil on the painful area to get relief.
The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric are also beneficial for treating pain and inflammation related to cervical spondylosis. It reduces pain and muscle stiffness by increasing blood circulation. Drink a glass of warm milk after adding 1tsp. turmeric powder to find relief. Turmeric capsule is also available which you can take after consulting your physician.
Ginger is another effective home remedy for treating cervical spondylosis. By increasing blood circulation, it helps to reduce pain and stiffness in the neck joint. Drink 2-3 cups of ginger tea everyday to get relief from pain and inflammation. Also massage the inflamed area with ginger oil 2-3 times daily.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has alkalizing and anti-inflammatory properties which can effectively soothe pain and swelling of the neck area. Add 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar and little honey in a glass of water and drink once daily.
Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds are rich in magnesium, calcium, manganese zinc, copper, phosphorus vitamin D and k which can be helpful in treating neck pain. Massaging the neck and surrounding areas with sesame oil can also bring relief.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is another effective home remedy for cervical spondylosis as it contains capsaicin with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. To get relief from neck pain, add 1 tsp cayenne pepper in a glass of warm water and drink twice daily.
Lemon Juice
Relief from neck, shoulder and back can be obtained by drinking lemon juice mixed in water and salt solution two or three times daily.
Hot and Cold Therapies
Alternating cold and hot therapies can also bring relief from pain. Heat therapies help to get more blood to the affected area as increased blood flow brings more oxygen and nutrient to the inflamed area. Cold therapy slows down circulation and helps to reduce inflammation, pain and muscle spasm. Ice pack can be placed on the targeted area.
With regular exercise, healthy diet and these simple remedies you can get rid of pain and inflammation associated with cervical spondylosis.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.