Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that occurs due to the wear and tear of the cartilage of the joints that works as a cushion. The breakdown of the cartilage cause the bones to rub against each other which causes pain and inflammation particularly in the weight bearing joints like knees, back, hip , feet and spine. Genetics, obesity, weak muscles, bone deformities, diabetes, and previous joint injuries are some of the causes and risk factors for osteoarthritis. If not treated timely, condition can worsen. In traditional medicines, doctors usually prescribe a lot of medications to relieve you from pain and in extreme cases surgery is also advised. But most of these medications have side effects. There are number of natural remedies that you can try at home to relieve yourself from pain and avoid complications.
Here Are 10 Natural Home Remedies For Osteoarthritis:
You may not like to exercise when you have pain in your joints. But many research and studies show that gentle exercise is beneficial for people with osteoarthritis, as they can strengthen the muscles and bones around the affected joints and keep them flexible. Resistance training and aerobic exercise are great for maintaining a healthy weight. Keeping your weight under control will help to relieve stress on the painful joints. But if you have bad flare-up, try to avoid exercise till the pain subsides.
Eat Healthy And Anti-Inflammatory Foods
There are some nutrients that should be included in your diet to reduce pain and inflammation. For example, foods rich in vitamin C are helpful in easing the symptoms of osteoarthritis. There are plenty of fruits and vegetable rich in vitamin c that you should include in your diet. Similarly omega-3 fatty acids found in flaxseeds, fatty fish and fish oil are helpful in relieving pain. Focus on eating healthy balanced diet which includes whole grains, low-fat dairy, lot of fruits and vegetables, nuts and healthy oils. You must also include certain anti-inflammatory foods in your diet like garlic, onion, celery, parsley etc which reduce inflammation.
Use Heat And Cold Therapies
Hot and cold compress are good remedies to reduce pain and inflammation due to osteoarthritis. While hot compress will ease pain and stiffness by increasing the blood flow to the affected joint, cold compress will reduce swelling. Use them alternatively to find relief.
Massage Therapy
Inflamed muscles due to osteoarthritis can be soothed by applying massage therapy. Massaging the affected area will improve blood circulation and make stressed area warm and relaxed. Regular massage will reduce the intensity of pain and reduce swelling and inflammation. Massage the affected area with warm mustard, olive or coconut oil at least 2 times daily using gentle stroke.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a good home remedy for treating osteoarthritis. It contains minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus that are helpful in relieving joint pain and stiffness. Moreover, its antioxidant properties protect the cells and tissues from the harmful affect of free radicals and powerful enzymes and acids contained in apple cider vinegar helps in better absorption of nutrients, which is essential for joint health. Pectin, acetic and mallic acid contained in apple cider vinegar works to absorb the toxins and get rid of accumulated toxins from the joints. In a glass of warm water, add 1tsp unfiltered apple cider vinegar and 1tsp honey and drink twice daily to find relief from pain and inflammation.
Turmeric contains a compound curcumin which possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which is very effective in healing pain and inflammation. Turmeric can be taken by adding 1tsp in a glass of warm milk or in capsule form. Adding turmeric powder while cooking may also benefit.
Ginger is another effective home remedy for osteoarthritis. Consuming ginger increases blood circulation and its anti-inflammatory qualities removes the inflammatory chemicals from the painful joints. Ginger also helps to block COX-2, a chemical that causes pain in the body. Ginger can be consumed in the form of ginger tea, ginger capsule or extract. Ginger oil can also be used for massaging the painful areas.
Cherries contain magnesium which acts as a natural pain killer and potassium that helps to reduce inflammation. Researchers claim that tart cherries have highest anti-inflammatory content than any other food, which can help osteoarthritis sufferer manage their pain. Tart cherries have higher concentration of antioxidant compounds phenolics and anthocyanins which helps to reduce inflammation effectively. So consume 10-15 cherries daily.
Epsom Salt
Epsom salt is another good remedy for osteoarthritis because it is good source of magnesium which in natural pain killer. To get relief from pain and swelling, take warm bath or soak the affected joint in warm water after adding 2 cups of Epsom salt.
Green Tea
Green tea can control the symptoms of osteoarthritis because it contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Green also helps maintain bone strength. Drinking 2-3 cups green tea mixed with a little honey regularly will help to reduce pain and inflammation.
Try these remedies to control pain and inflammation. Eat healthy balanced diet and sleep well. Sleep helps to cope with pain of osteoarthritis.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.