8 Effective Home Remedies For Dry Skin

Healthy, glowing and well nourished skin could very well be a myth, considering the handful of people who have them. Many of us are extremely troubled with dry, oily and sensitive skin. Of all these skin types, dry skin probably is the most difficult to deal with. With dry skin, there is always the risk of getting early wrinkles and sags as the skin is devoid of moisturisation.

dry skin

While our lifestyle, food habits and environmental pollution are partly to be blamed for this dry and deeply traumatising condition, there are many other convincing reasons as well for developing dryness on the skin. Conditions like thyroid disorders, allergy towards cosmetics and climatic changes too are causative factors that lead to dry skin.

When faced with dry and rough skin on the face, we fret over it and get all the expensive nourishing creams from the market to combat the problem. Unfortunately, most of them are puffed with chemicals that can lead your skin to more dryness by absorbing the little water too that is left on the skin.

Why expose yourself to all these deadly chemicals that pose skin as well as health risks when there are countless home remedies to look out for.

Home Remedies for Dry Skin

Water, Not Just A Life Giving Agent

Water of course is necessary to sustain life. But, for women, a beautiful and glowing skin is much more life giving and gives more encouragement to live life. Most of us forget this hydrating property of water and do not give sufficient moisture to the skin, preventing the skin from evolving and looking its best.

Drink at least 3-4 litres of water, if you want your skin to remain much elastic and well nourished all throughout your life. Drinking water will make your skin on the face supple and plump and prevent wrinkle formations. What more can you ask for?


Honey The Best Natural Hydrating Cream

No cream in the market can beat the moisturising qualities of honey. It can tone your skin and prevent sagging along with abundant nourishment and care, that all you need for a perfect skin care is to just dab on some honey on your face and leave it there for as long as you like. Notice the difference after every application. You will surely stick by this regime.


Milk For Soft And Supple Skin

We have heard about milk baths undertaken by queens and princesses of yester years. Considering the cost of milk and its value, let’s not get into a milk bath regime. Here’s a simple milk remedy that can nourish your body as well as the skin.  Before taking your beauty sleep, gulp down a warm glass of milk fortified with a few drops of almond oil for smooth, baby soft skin. Milk has natural fats that can bring that extra glow and shine to your face.


Oils To Massage Your Skin

There are a number of them and you can use any of these to get that perfect lustre on your skin in an instant. For all round skin health, apply coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil or avocado oil on your face. Massage it in for a few minutes in upward and circular motions so that the blood rushes through your skin and imparts that extra aura on your face as you remove all the dryness and bid them farewell.

If you ask me which among these oils are the best and can give that unique glow, I’d say it is avocado oil. It has natural fatty acids that can revive any tired and dull looking skin to glory.


Oatmeal, Honey And Vitamin E For Dry Skin On Face

From now on, just don’t limit oatmeal to satisfy your hunger. Make it a regular in your skin care regime as well. Strengthen it with honey and squeeze in a few vitamin E capsules into the bowl. Mix well and massage it on your face with firm upward and circular motions. Do this for 10 minutes every day and see how wrong you have been in resorting to chemical treatments all the way.

Oatmeal, honey, vitamin E

Banana Scrub To Impart Perfect Shine To Your Dry Face

Moisturising, toning, exfoliating and lightening! Bananas surely have all the right ingredients to make us go bananas over them. Choose the ripest bananas which are waiting to be thrown away and mash them to a paste. Add some sugar to this paste and rub on the face in a circular motion.

You can watch the dead and dry skin being scraped off by the friction exerted by sugar. As you rub, the bananas soothe and moisture the areas that have been scrubbed clean, leaving them so smooth and silky to touch.

banana scrub

Combat Dry Skin On Face With Baking Soda, Vanilla and Oatmeal

Bored with all the scrubbing and smearing sessions? Let’s try a nourishing soak this time. Mix vanilla extract, oatmeal and baking soda in a bowl and pour it into a bath tub filled with warm water. Soak your whole body into it and enjoy the nourishing bath.

Don’t forget to dip your face as well into the bath every now and then while you are at it. You may smear some of this paste on your face if you want to avoid dipping in the soak. It’s your wish as everything that you do with this mixture works just great!

Baking Soda, Vanilla and Oatmeal

Petroleum Jelly For A Quick Fix Solution

If you have very dry skin on the face that needs urgent attention, just do not wait for all these cumbersome home remedies. Take petroleum jelly or Vaseline and smear it generously on the face. Massage it in circular motions for 15-20 minutes and wash it off. Pat dry and take a look at your face in the mirror. The massaging would have improved the surge of blood flow into your face and Vaseline must have buffed your face to perfection, all in 15 minutes.

petroleum jelly

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.