Our hands and wrists are made up of various joints, which is very important to move the hands. If your hand or wrist is affected by arthritis, you cannot move your hands. The affected parts will develop a pain and makes it impossible to do your work. You move your hands freely, because of a tissue called particular cartilage. The cartilage covers the entire bone area and provides a silk and smooth gliding movement for your hands. Always taking treatment for arthritis will give you relief. Arthritis can be cured by certain exercises and natural remedies. The exercises and natural remedies can certainly remove the pain in your hands and lowers the heat around the affected area.
Here Are 7 Home Remedies To Treat Arthritis:
Hot And Cold Compress
If you have arthritis in hand, this can be cured by both applying cold and hot compress. Both will reduce pain to a great extent. You cannot use them at one time. If you have bruises, acute trauma, and sprains, you can try with cold ice cubes. You can place the ice cubes on the affected parts and cover it with a towel. You can use hot treatment especially for stiff joints. Heat helps to loosen your joints and gives relief to your muscles.
Epsom Salt
Epsom salt contains magnesium sulfate and is best to relieve pain around your hands. Magnesium has the ability to relax your muscles and nerve endings, resulting in removing pain in your hands. Take Epsom salt and mix with the boiled water. Then, place your hands in the bucket. Soak your hands for 10 to 20 minutes and you can feel the relief from pain within one hour.
Use Olive Oil
Olive oil is the best solution to get relief from pain. It has the ingredients to give you relief. If you are affected by arthritis, take olive oil and put it on the affected area, then, gently give massage by rubbing it on the affected area. Try the treatment for 2 to 4 times in a day, until you feel no pain.
Use Castor Oil
Castor oil is also best to treat your pain. Like oil massage, castor oil has the substances to give relief. It has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. If you have pain, take some castor oil and place it on the affected part. Then, rub the area till you feel heat is generated. You will get result in a few days.
Use Essential Oils
Like olive and castor oil, essential oil also has the required ingredients to give instant relief from pain. Peppermint and eucalyptus oils also have the pain relieving capacity. Before, taking treatment you can prepare the oil in your home. Take 10 drops of peppermint oil and an equal amount of eucalyptus oil. Then, add coconut oil and mix them well. Let place all in a carrier and kept under heat for some time. Then, allow it to cool and place in a glass bottle. When you feel pain, try this oil and you will get instant relief.
Turmeric And Ginger Combination
Turmeric has the power to give you relief and many studies have proved its worth. Turmeric when combined with other anti-inflammatory agents like ginger becomes a super remedy to treat arthritis. You can use this in your daily food, which will help you to improve digestion and relief from pain. You can also use them in the preparation of tea.
White Willow Bark
The white willow bark herb has a substance called silicon. Silicon has the power to control the production of pain inducing chemicals in your nerves and hence is helpful in curing arthritis in hands.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.