4 Yoga For Hip Bursitis

Between our bones and tendons or tendons and skin are small fluid filled sacs that facilitate movement and check friction, when we perform any movement. These are called bursa or bursae (plural). These bursae may get inflamed due to overuse, infection, gout, arthritis or hereditary factors.

4 Yoga For Hip Bursitis

This inflammation can cause severe pain and discomfort. This is called bursitis. Hip bursitis causes pain in the hips and outer thighs. There could also be swelling, stiffness and tenderness in the region and pain when you make any effort to move the hip joint. This condition is found more commonly in women. You need to take rest for some days and then you can try some yoga exercises to strengthen the hip muscles and bones.

Various Yoga For Hip Bursitis


This pose is also called the Extended Side Angle Pose. Stand with your feet wide apart. Raise your arms to shoulder height and spread them out. Turn your right foot completely outward and left foot inward slightly. Bend your right knee to thrust your right thigh outwards, aligning the right kneecap with right ankle. Keep bending your right knee to bring your right thigh parallel to the floor.

Bring your right hand to rest on the floor near the right foot, and keep your arm straight. Extend your left arm upwards and above your head, across your left ear. Stretch the left side of your body completely and stay for 30 seconds. Come back to original position and repeat on the other side. You can opt to exclude the arm portion of the pose and concentrate only on the lower body. This will strengthen and stretch your hips.



This is also known as ankle to knee Pose. This pose is performed sitting on a blanket, with knees bent, and feet on the floor. Bring your left foot under the right leg all the way to your outer right thigh. Similarly, bring your right foot over the left leg to rest above your outer left thigh.

Keeping your hands on the floor by your sides, straighten your torso and breathe slowly and steadily. Stay for as long as you can. You can sit keeping your back against a wall for support. This pose helps to stretch your hips and improve flexibility. Natural Cure For Bursitis Home Remedies For Bursitis



This is called the Reclining Bound Angle Pose. First sit with your knees bent to bring your soles together. Lower your back with the help of your hands until you touch the floor. Keep a support for your head and neck. Bring your hands on your thighs and then let them slide to your sides, resting on the floor.

Stay in this pose for as long you feel comfortable, breathing slowly. This pose is very good to stretch your hips and improve flexibility if you are suffering from stiffness.



This is a very simple pose, known as Butterfly Pose as well. The best part about this pose is that you can practice it even when you have inflamed bursae as it puts no pressure on them.

Sit on the floor with legs stretched out. Fold from knees to bring the soles of the feet together. Hold your feet with your hands and flap your legs, breathing steadily. Continue for a while and then stretch your legs.


Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.