17 Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites

Remedies For Mosquito Bites

The itchiness and bumps that follow a mosquito bite is due to an anticoagulant, which is injected by the mosquito to prevent the blood clot. A mild allergic reaction is caused due to this, which includes typical red, sore and round bumps.

Though it is rare, sometimes the mosquito bites can cause a severe anaphylactic reaction or it might transmit diseases like West Nile, malaria or yellow fever. However, most of the time, it is just a simple itch. Fortunately, there are a number of quick and simple remedies to ease the pain and most of these are found right in the house.

Home Remedies To Treat Mosquito Bites

Banana Peel

Plantain peel is one of the best remedies to get rid of the itch and sting. Peel the banana and massage the inside part of it directly on the area of a mosquito bite. Wash the area after 90 minutes and apply sanitizer to relieve the itch. Another alternative is to cut open a fresh lime or lemon and rub it on the skin directly.

Banana Peel

Baking Soda

A paste prepared from water and baking soda can be used to relieve the itch. In case, more than one mosquito was feasting on you then you can add baking soda to the warm bath. However, this is not advised if there are any open wounds.

Baking Soda

Ice Pack

An ice pack is quite helpful in reducing the itch or swelling that is caused due to the bite.

Ice Pack

Natural Oils

Tea Tree and Lavender oils can be used on the affected area. The Tea Tree oil sterilizes and lavender oil has natural anti-inflammatory properties.

Lavender oil


The fluoride in the toothpaste has antihistamine properties, which will help in relieving the itch. The mint flavored toothpaste is quite useful as it contains menthol, which soothes the sensitive nerves and reduces the itching sensation.



Deodorant is alkaline in nature and is an excellent cure for insect bites. Instead of spray or gel, the solid variety works wonders. Just rub the deodorant to the bite in order to get quick relief.



A slice of onion is quite helpful in taking the sting and itch out of the mosquito bite. Place a fresh onion slice on the area affected by the bite for a few minutes until the irritation subsides. You need to rinse the area thoroughly after that.


Essential Oils

Essential oils provide temporary respite for mosquito bites. Cedar oil, witch hazel, lavender, neem, rosemary and tea tree oils are quite effective in this regard. Dilute a small quantity of any of these oils with water and use it directly to the affected region. This mixture is quite quick to make and is a must for hiking or camping trip.

Essential Oils

Salt Paste

Make a thick paste by mixing finely ground salt along with water. Apply this paste to the bite. You can use any of the iodized salt, but make sure that it’s finely ground.

Salt Water


A cotton ball soaked with mouthwash can be used on the affected part. You can also keep away the infection by using an antiseptic mouthwash.



This may not be a favorite remedy to do every day, but if you are going on a hike or camping in mosquito infested regions then try using a paste made of water and garlic powder. Apply this paste behind knees, to the pulse points, ankles, on shoes and also dab it on the cheeks or any spot on your neck or face.


A clove of raw garlic can be also be rubbed on the bite. You might experience a slight burning sensation, but you will get relief afterwards. Use this home remedy cautiously and keep it away from eyes. Also, the odor of garlic (neem as well) will repel the mosquitoes and you can escape from its bite.

Vanilla Extract

This is an excellent natural cure and moreover, smells good too. You can dab the extract on the clothes, skin or on the pulse points.

Vanilla Extract

Hydrogen Peroxide

Use a cotton ball with 3 percent of hydrogen peroxide to rub on the mosquito bites. This will not only alleviate pain, but itching as well. All you’ll find is a trace of pale pink spot the next day.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Tiger Balm or Muscle Rub

Both tiger balm and muscle rub work as a powerful mosquito bite relief and helps in relieving the itching caused due to the bite. The camphor and menthol in the rubs help to ease itching. However, be cautious and do not use too much of the rub.

Tiger Balm

Aloe Vera

This miracle plant is quite effective for any kind of skin irritation or bites. It will alleviate the swelling and itchiness and forms a protective layer on the skin. The anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and soothing properties of this plant will help in quick recovery. You can either use the Aloe Vera gel or just snap a small piece of the plant stem and massage it on the skin. You can reapply as often as needed.

Aloe Vera

White Vinegar

This is an excellent remedy for mosquito bites. Besides being a natural home cleanser, it will also relieve itch and redness caused due to the mosquito bite. Dab a small quantity of this natural disinfectant on a cotton ball. Use this on the affected part. In case, you have a lot of bites, add white vinegar (2-3 cups) to the warm bath water.

White Vinegar

You can also combine vinegar with almond oil and use it on the bitten part, which helps in reducing itching. Apple cider vinegar can also be used, but those with sensitive skin must avoid it, as it might irritate the skin.

Other Remedies

Use the powder or a tablet of Vitamin C to rub on the affected part for a surprising relief. Rubbing alcohol on the bite will reduce itching. The potent anti-microbial properties of raw honey will help in relieving the itching and also prevents infection. Antihistamine creams will reduce the symptoms of the bite, as it hinders the histamine action in the tissues.


Meat tenderizer can be used to rub on the bite. It will reduce the itching right away. Oatmeal bath is also quite effective in reducing the itching and swelling. A paste of basil or mint leaves can be used to get relief from itching. The cooling property of the leaves helps in quick recovery. A refrigerated tea bag can be applied on the affected part to soothe itching.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.