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Pimples have always been a matter of huge concern for men and women alike as these pesky eruptions are not only disgusting to look at but are painful as well. The issue worsens when these pimples are just not the regular and usual ones but are the skin deep blind acnes which are usually caused by the over secretion of the sebaceous glands in the skin which results into clogging the pores. The issue of blind acne arises in the areas like nose and behind the ears and have a characteristic red color of varied sizes just minus the pus. However there are many creams available to fit this issue, the best way to get rid of blind acne is the use of natural home remedies which are effective and natural without causing any side effects as well.
Some Of The Home Remedies To Treat Blind Acne Are Discussed Below:
Lemon Juice
A common ingredient in any kitchen, lemons are one of those ingredients which make life easier for humans whether it is related to cleaning, in food or in keeping the health, hair and skin intact. Keeping to its positive impact, lemon juice finds it suse in the treatment of blind acne as well. This is due to the fact that lemon juice contains citric acid which fights against the acne and wards off the bacterial growth resolving the issue as well. To reap its benefits, one needs to apply fresh lemon juice after straining on the affected region and rinse off the same after about twenty minutes with warm water.
Tea Tree Oil
Loaded with antibacterial properties, tea tree oil is effective in fighting against blind acne issues as they help in warding off the bacterial growth in the regions. Application of this oil on the acne prone regions helps to a great extent.
Even though consumption of alcohol is not really good, but treating blind acne sure makes it a winner! Alcohol when applied to the acne regions help in soothing the area apart from acting as a disinfectant and also helping the opening up the pores in the skin curing the issue as well.
Application of milk on the blind acnes help in curing the issue too due to the fact that milk is loaded with an element known as AHA or Alpha Hydroxy Acid which helps in unclogging the pores and cures the acne faster as well.
Epsom Salt
Another effective home remedy, Epsom salt applications on the acne affected regions help in reducing the inflammation and itchiness which comes as a result of blind acnes.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.