16 Home Remedies For Scratches In The Skin

Home Remedies For Scratches In The Skin

We are often in a hurry to catch pace with our busy life. At times, we not only pay no heed to our diet and health but also forget about the scratches and wounds we get in our skin while acting in haste. Leaving these bruises unattended often leads to scars and sometimes even permanent ones. Here are the lists of some home remedies that will help you to get rid of the scratches you have in your skin making it look more perfect and free of infection.
At first, clean the wound with an antiseptic ointment and apply any of the following for a bruise free skin.

Here Are The 16 Home Remedies For Scratches In The Skin:

Lavender Oil

Apply a drop or two of lavender oil to the wound to get rid of the scar it may leave behind.

Lavender Oil

Granulated Sugar

For quick healing, apply granulated sugar and smear the surrounding of the wound with petroleum jelly. Apply this at least twice a day.

Granulated Sugar

Aloe Vera Plant

An aloe vera plant is always a good helping aid for these things. Break off a leaf of this plant and apply its gel directly on the wound. You may also apply aloe vera juice that comes in bottles available in the market if you do not have an aloe vera plant in your house.

Aloe Vera


Lime has a good antibacterial effect and so can be applied in the bruises to keep the skin away from getting any scar. Apply the juice of lime on the wound and see the effect it has on the scar.


Calendula Or Arnica

Apply calendula or arnica ointment on the scar. These ointment work wonderfully well for both recent scars and a scar that has stayed in your skin since ages.

Recipe using chamomile, calendula, lavender herbs and olive oil

Pine Or Cedar Tree

You can also smear the juice of pine, fir or cedar trees on the scar. Cover the area with a clean cloth to avoid the sap sticking onto anything.

Pine Or Cedar Tree

Egg Skin

Crack an egg into a cup. Remove the skin that comes on the shell of the egg and place it on the wound. This acts like a band aid on the scar.

Egg Skin

Asafoetida Powder

You can also apply asafetida powder on the scar or the wound to get the scar off the skin.



Apply a teaspoon of honey on the scratched area and cover it with a piece of cotton or a clean piece of cloth. Do this for 2-3 times a day and change the cotton or piece of cloth everytime you apply honey on the scratch.



Potato can also be a helping aid for scratches. Apply a piece of raw potato that has been thinly sliced on the scratches area. The moisturizer present in potatoes help to heal the injury leaving complete relief on the skin.

Potato (3)

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper can also help in healing scratches by applying a few of it on the affected area. Then, cover the area with a bandage and be relieved about the complete healing of your skin.

Cayenne Pepper

Oil Of Eucalyptus

The essential oil of eucalyptus when mixed in a liter of water and application of it on the scratch also helps in speedy healing. After applying it, cover the scratched area with a bandage or gauze.

Eucalyptus Oil


Apply the crushed leaves of agrimony to heal the scratched area.


Hibiscus Plant

Boil the leaves and the flower of the hibiscus plant in water. Apply this mixture on the scratched area to help it getting healed up soon.

Hibiscus Plant

Tomato Pulp Or Its Leaves

Apply the juice or apply the leaf directly of the tomato plant on the scratched area. This too works wonders for such wounds. The fruit also works well on the bruised area.

Tomato Pulp Or Its Leaves

Pineapple Juice

For speedy healing, apply the juice of pineapple on the area that has received a scratch. It helps to cure the scratch as fast as possible.

Pineapple Juice

These are some of the effective home remedies that one can use for treating scratches in the skin. Hope these help you to get a flawless skin.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.