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Losing weight is not an easy task but with correct and consistent approach, it is also not an impossible task. It seems quite difficult to burn fat using yoga poses as these appear to be more of stationery forms. But, one can undergo adequate fat burning using the right yoga poses that need to be performed correctly and regularly.
Though, not every yoga form can be useful for burning fats but certain specific poses are performed that focus on burning away the extra stored fats of the body by enhancing the metabolism, offering a lean muscle tone structure and promoting weight loss.
Useful And Effective Yoga Poses For Burning Fat
Cobra Pose
Those who are going to perform yoga for the first time can generate good benefits with this simple and effective yoga pose that strengthen and firm the buttock, toning up the abs. Lie down with face towards the floor and top portion of feet flat on to the ground. Then press the legs and hips downwards, placing the hands below the shoulders, palms flat on the floor with fingers spread wide apart.
Now while pressing into the hands, lift head, upper back and chest off from the ground and keeping the shoulder blades back and little downwards. Gaze forward trying to look as high as possible. Now push the shoulders back and feel a stretch along the length of the spine. Hold on the breath while coming fully into the pose and hold it there for count of 30 to 60 seconds and then exhale out and relax.
Wind Releasing Pose
Wind releasing pose is an efficient fat burning pose that targets the abdominal region. Lie down on the back and bend the knees towards the chest, keeping the ankles together.
Now clasp the arms together over the knees and bring head up away from the floor. Then breathe deep and feel the stretch in the abs and then relax down slowly.
Bow Pose
Bow pose is an advanced yoga pose that helps to burn fat while toning up the legs, arms and abdominal area. Lie down on the floor over the stomach, then bend the knees and grab the feet.
Pull in the stomach and extend the feet upwards, raising the upper body simultaneously and keeping the shoulder blades backside and down. Hold it there for several breaths and then relax yourself.
Side Stretch Pose
Side stretch pose is useful in burning calories and racing the heart rate. Stand erect and keep the feet wide apart, a little more than hip width apart. Now rotate the torso and turn both feet towards the right, while keeping legs straight.
Now exhale and hinge over the right leg till it comes parallel to the floor and try reaching the ground with both hands. While exhaling, hinge further while moving the torso closer to the right thigh. Keep breathing, relax and then repeat it in the opposite direction.
Warrior I Pose
This pose helps to tone thighs, abs and arms and is most effective when used as a part of sequential poses in ‘Sun Salutation’. Stand straight, stepping 4 to5 feet to the left with the left foot and then rotate both feet towards the left.
Bend left knee over the toes, while keeping the right leg straight. Now raise both arms above the head with fingertips pointing towards the sky or ceiling and look up towards the hands. Stay there for count of 20 and relax.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.