6 Natural Remedies To Treat Keratosis Pilaris

 Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris is a chronic skin condition where miniscule bumps appear on the skin, especially at the back of the thighs and upper arms. These bumps resemble chicken skin and can be either black or reddish in colour based on the skin colour of the person. It appears almost like an ingrown hair and the skin remains rough to touch. Most of us have Keratosis pilaris and would love to remove them completely to make the skin smooth.

But, do not be shocked to discover that there is no real cure for this condition. However, before you fall into depression let’s introduce you to some natural ways be which you can control the condition and get some relief. At least it does not cause any itching or bleeding which is a huge relief anyway.

Natural Remedies For Keratosis Pilaris


Keratosis Pilaris usually occurs when there is excess keratin produced in the body. To block this excess production, beta carotene comes of help. Carrot juice has abundant amounts of beta carotene and hence drinking at least two glasses of carrot juice will help in reducing the production of keratin and keeping the symptom under control.



The skin turns rough and bumpy when you have keratosis pilaris. Therefore, regular exfoliation of skin can do a lot of good in keeping the condition at bay. For this you can use a gentle exfoliant like an oatmeal scrub or a honey and sugar scrub for rubbing on the affected skin. This can be done every day before bath. Using a loofah to rub gently on the affected skin too helps in reducing the unsightly appearance and regaining the smoothness of the skin.

Oatmeal Scrub


Milk has lactic acid that helps in moisturising and exfoliating the skin, thereby reducing the bumpy appearance. Apply yoghurt, milk or buttermilk on the skin every day and leave it on for some time so that the exfoliation takes place and the bumps are well moisturised and soft.


Alpha Hydroxy Acid

When you have Keratosis Pilaris, keeping the skin well moisturised is very important as when the skin becomes dry it becomes more unsightly and rough. Using a cream with alpha hydroxy acid helps in moisturising the skin from deep within and reducing the impact of the condition. Creams with alpha hydroxy acid will help in exfoliating the skin as well and leave it soft.

Alpha Hydroxy Acid

Vitamin A

Taking vitamin A pills too can help treat Keratosis Pilaris effectively. Vitamin A will slow down the production of keratin which causes the accumulation of dead skin cells on top of the top layer and cause the bumps to appear. Take vitamin A pills in adequate amounts as long as the condition lasts. This will reduce the severity of the bumps on the skin.

Vitamin A

Tan Your Skin

This might seem a good idea for those who have fair skin. Tanning the skin will make it look more even with the tan on the skin camouflaging the dark bumps and making it invisible to the onlooker.

Tan Your Skin

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.