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The eye stye is a type of infection of eyes. This infection attacks and occurs at the base of the eyelashes. It can be both internal and external forms. There are many types of symptoms of this infection which ranges from the formation of bumps to severe kind of burning in eyes.
Although there are many medical treatments for this infection but it is always better to go for the natural cures. This article will give you brief details on the various types of natural cures available for eye stye.
Best Natural Ways to Treat Eye Stye
1. Milk And Turmeric
Turmeric is a root of the plant and it has anti fungal elements in it. Drinking of milk once daily mixed with turmeric can thus help in effective reduction of eye stye. It also speeds up the process of healing.
2. Lukewarm Compress
Take a clean cloth and dip it into lukewarm water. Squeeze out the excess water and then press that cloth over your affected eye for 10-15 minutes. Repeat this process 4-5 times a day. The warm compress helps in draining out the pus from the bumps. It also provides relief from the burning of the eyes.
3. Parsley
Take a handful of parsley and brew it in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Dip a clean cloth in that water and apply over the closed lid of your affected eye. Lie back and relax for about 15 minutes after completion of the process. The parsley acts as a purification agent for the eyes which helps in bringing out the toxic materials. That in turn helps in a speedy healing.
4. Guava Leaves
This is another very effective way to get relief from the pain of eye stye. All you need to do is warm up the guava leaves and put it inside a warm cloth. Then compress that cloth over your affected eye.
5. The Garlic Juice
Garlic is quite well known because of its medicinal values for healing infections. You can get rid of the eye stye by applying fresh garlic juice around the infected area.
6. Water Splash
One of the most important steps involved during eye stye is to keep your eyes clean. Wash your eyes with clean water for at least five to six times daily. This will check the infection from growing more. Also that will result in faster healing process of your eyes.
7. Onion
You can use slices of onions over your infected eye to get rid of the pain and also to speed up the healing process. It is obvious that using of onion will burn a little but it is very effective and thus worth giving a shot.
8. Tea Bag
Dip an herbal tea bag into boiling water and then slowly press it over your eyes. Keep a tab on the temperature and try to take it down to warm before applying. The herbal tea helps in bringing out the pus. It also helps in reducing the infection.
9. Metals Do Work
This old natural remedy involves rubbing of metals like gold ring or an iron nail over your eyes. They are quite effective in making your eye stye go away.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.