Best Yoga Exercises For Nerve Pain In Legs

Nerve Pain In LegsThere are numerous types of nerve damages. With age, these types of nerve diseases become increasingly common. The nerve pain in the legs is, at maximum times, concerned with the damage to the radicular nerve. The treatment should be started at the time time to avoid further problem but when exercise will give you the results then avoid taking any medications.

Exercise is beneficial than bed rest in most cases as movement promotes the strengthening the back muscles as well as exchange of fluids present in the spinal discs. The re-occurrence of the pain can be stopped by performing the following exercises on a daily basis:

Yoga Exercises For Nerve Pain In Legs

Press Ups

It is beneficial for the pain felt in the legs, buttocks and in the back. With the palms on the floor and arms bent, you must lie on your stomach. The muscles in the abdomen are to be in a contracted state while your legs and buttocks should be in a relaxed position.

Press Ups

Move the upper portion of your body upwards using your abdominal muscles and arms. Stay in the position for 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise around10 times, twice daily.

Leg Raise

This exercise is beneficial as it strengthens the muscle in the lower abdomen and reduces the pain. You are expected to lie on your back with your hands behind your head.

Leg Raise

Raise one leg, few inches above the ground, keep it in that position for 10 seconds and bring it to rest. Lift the other leg in the same position. You may also circle the raised leg 5 times in one direction and 5 times in the reverse direction.

Curl-Up Exercises

Bend your knees and lie on your back. You may fold your arms over your chest or may use them as support to the neck. Lifting your shoulder and head, curl up off the ground and freeze in this position for at least 5 seconds.

Curl-Up Exercises

It provides support to your back and also relieves the pain. You can start with doing 10 curl-ups and then slowly advance towards doing 20-30 curl-ups.

Extension Exercises

This exercise relieves back as well as leg pain effectively. With your legs and arms stretched out at the maximum extent, lie on your stomach. You have to raise one arm and the opposite leg and hold them in that position for about 5 seconds. Repeat the same process with the other arm and leg. This exercise needs to be done at least 10 times, twice a day to enhance the exchange of fluid in the spinal disc and get effective results.

Forward Bend

You are to start this exercise by standing straight up and then spreading your legs at shoulder width apart. You have to bend forward at the waist and also be aware to keep your back flat.

Forward Bend

As far as you are comfortable, try to bend yourself in the forward direction and hold the position for 10 seconds. Remember, you must never push yourself above your level of comfort otherwise the pain might increase. This exercise relieves you of your leg pain, back pain and also the pain felt in the abdominal area. Repeat the exercise 10 times, twice daily.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.