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Almost all babies pass through an inconsolable crying phase. However, in about one-fifth babies, the incessant crying episode lasts for a longer time. Crying continuously for more than three hours each day is a symptom of colic.
It usually affects three weeks old babies, and peaks between the fourth and sixth week, and gradually subsides naturally. Remedies for colic babies involve changes in the maternal diet of breast feeding infants and changing the feeding pattern of the infant.
Remedies for Colic Babies
Modify Maternal Diet
The diet of a breastfeeding mother affects the quality of the breast milk. Colic might develop if the infant is allergic to certain ingredients present in the breast milk. Eliminating common allergens such as cow’s milk, dairy and nuts from the maternal diet might help to reduce discomfort after feeding. Excess gas formation in the stomach might trigger colic. Mothers of colicky babies should consider limiting consumption of excess gas producing foods such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, onion and beans. If the baby is sensitive to caffeine, colic pain might develop if the mother consumes coffee and chocolates. Even the medicines that a mother takes while breastfeeding might pass through the breast milk and irritate the digestive tract of the child, leading to colic pain.
Change Brand of Formula Milk
If the baby develops colic after feeding formula, specific ingredients in the formula might be responsible for this condition. Usually sensitivity to proteins present in the formula triggers colic. Changing the formula brand might help to reduce abdominal pain, discomfort and the frequent crying episodes.
Prevent Overfeeding
Often parents suspect that the crying baby is hungry. However, incessant crying that occurs after feeding is least likely to be a sign of hunger. If you keep on feeding the infant to stop crying, your baby’s condition might worsen. Instead, stick to the normal feeding schedule of the baby. Breastfeeding babies might be pacified by allowing the baby to finish one breast before offering the other breast. This helps the baby to receive the richer hindmilk secreted before the breast is emptied.
The hindmilk helps to sooth the baby and reduces colic episodes. Babies prone to colic should be offered one breast in every two or three hours. Overfeeding usually occurs in bottle-fed babies. To prevent overfeeding check the nipple hole of the bottle. Milk would pass rapidly through a large hole in the nipple and your baby would finish feeding in less than 20 minutes. This might trigger colic.
Rocking the Baby
You can calm the baby by gently rocking him or her. Rocking also helps to eliminate gas from the baby’s stomach. If the incessant crying episode is triggered by heartburn, hold the baby in an upright position.
Recent studies suggest that absence of sufficient bacteria that aid digestion in the gut of infants might be associated with colic. Colic subsides naturally when the normal microbial balance develops in the gut. Feeding colicky infants probiotic drops containing Lactobacillus reuteri bacteria might alleviate the abdominal pain and discomfort that develops after feeding.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.