One of the major problems that affect the healthy human survival is heavy metal poisoning. Heavy metal poisoning is one of the most serious problems and causes a lot of damage to your internal organs. Heavy metal poisoning as the name suggests is the poisoning of the body by heavy metals like nickel, cadmium, mercury and lead. These metals enter into our blood stream through a number of sources and get accumulated inside the body’s cells and organs. The main reasons of heavy metal poisoning is the contamination of our environment which is commonly known as environmental pollution which results into increased chances of these metals getting entered into our body. Water, air and food particles contaminated with insecticides, paints, hair dyes, deodorant etc are the main sources from there the heavy metals get entered into your body.
Once these heavy metals get entered into our body these not only gets accumulated in the cells but also reach to the central nervous system, brain, bones and almost every part of the body which is not at all a good sign. Symptoms vary from person to person but some of the common symptoms are loss of memory, insomnia, nerves problem, weakness and infertility. The age of infected person, duration of exposure to heavy metals and overall health of the infected person are some of the determining factors that decide the severity of the problem. Apart from these symptoms there is one more check to the possibility of heavy metal poisoning and that is the development of metallic taste in the mouth. Once detected you should take the problem seriously as otherwise the consequences could be very serious. It is advisable to consult a doctor immediately however there are some of the effective natural remedies present that can aid to reduce the amount of these heavy metals from your body.
Here Is The List Of Natural Remedies That You Should Follow To Detoxify Your Body From These Heavy Metals:
Turmeric is one of the kitchen ingredients that is present in almost every house hold and acts as a very effective remedy against the problem of heavy metal poisoning. The consumption of turmeric is known to increase the flow of bile inside the body. Bile is basically a detoxifying agent that helps in the detoxification of the body. Not only this, turmeric also impart chillating effects on the heavy metals and helps in reducing the symptoms of the problem. It is therefore advisable to add turmeric to your every meal. You can also take a one tea spoon of turmeric powder added with honey to get relief from the problem. Warm milk containing turmeric powder is also very effective and delivers effective results.
Onion is also very effective in treating the problem of heavy metal poisoning especially lead poisoning. The sulphur compounds present in onion helps in reducing the accumulated heavy metals from the body. All you need is to add onion to your daily routine to get the benefits. Alternatively you can also make onion juice which should be taken 2 to 3 times in a day to get relief from the problem of heavy metal poisoning.
Garlic is one the most effective remedies for a number of health problems. The use of garlic helps in flushing out the accumulated heavy metals like cadmium, mercury and lead. Garlic contains sulphur which is very effective in preventing lead poisoning whereas the selenium content of garlic is very effective in reducing accumulated mercury from the body. This is one of the easiest remedy to follow. Therefore it is advisable to chew some raw garlic every day in order to get rid of the accumulated heavy metals. It is also advisable to add garlic to your daily meals to prevent the problem.
Coconut Water
Apart from its soothing taste coconut water can also very effective to get rid of a number of problems. The incorporation of coconut water to your daily routine helps in reducing the toxins accumulated into your blood and kidneys and ultimately relieving the problem of heavy metal poisoning. It is therefore advisable to drink coconut water daily to flush out the accumulated heavy metals from your body.
Coriander is one the easily available natural product that is used as a substituent in a number of dishes. The beauty of the product lies in the fact that it can be used to treat the serious problem of heavy metal poisoning as well. The chelating properties of coriander help in removing heavy metals from the body. It is very effective in case of mercury poisoning. It is advisable to add coriander to your daily meals to get the benefits. Alternatively you can also extract juice from coriander which should be taken every day on an empty stomach to prevent the problem of heavy metal poisoning.
Fish And Eggs
Adding fish and eggs to your daily routine in highly recommended if you want to stay healthy and fit. Eggs and fish provide you with essential amino acids that are known to stimulate the production of certain enzymes that help in flushing out the accumulated heavy metals from the body. It is therefore advisable to have eggs and fish on a regular basis to combat the problem of heavy metal poisoning.
Detoxification is required if you are suffering from the problem of heavy metal poisoning and natural fruits are the best source to detoxify your body. It is therefore advisable to add all kinds of fruits to your daily routine in order to get rid of the accumulated heavy metals from your body. Add banana, grapes, apples and citrus fruits like orange etc to your daily routine to cleanse your body from the accumulated heavy metals.
Magic Of Water
Maintaining a proper amount of water in your body is very important to stimulate the healthy functioning of your body organs. Water is very important to dilute these accumulated heavy metals that in turn gets removed through urination. Intake of 4 to 5 litres of water in a day is recommended to get rid of the problem of heavy metal poisoning.
Follow these home remedies seriously and regularly to get rid of the problem of heavy metal poisoning.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.