6 Effective Yoga Asanas To Treat Lupus

Effective Yoga Asanas To Treat Lupus

Lupus is popular as an inflammatory health disorder which weakens your immune system considerably and affects your healthy organs and tissues adversely. Inflammation results due to genetics, infections, drugs, or environmental factors, and it can cause a serious damage to your body. Usually, it affects your lungs, kidney, brain, heart, and joints significantly. Common symptoms of lupus are fatigue, confusion, memory loss, fever, irritable eyes, stiffness, joint pain, and enlargement of lymph nodes. However, by performing certain yoga exercises you can treat this health disorder effectively and obtain a great relief from the acute pain.

Here Are Some Effective Yoga Poses That Can Help You Cure The Disorder Substantially:

Bridge Pose

This yoga pose is also popular as bridge pose. Lie on your back on the ground, slowly bend the knees, and placing your both feet on the ground. Breathe out and press the inner part of your feet and your arm on the ground. Lift your hips off the ground till your thighs are parallel to the ground. Keep your shoulders and neck on the ground and raise your body below the shoulder up the floor a bit such that your body resembles a bridge.

Bridge Pose

Reclining Bound Angle Pose

Supta Baddhakonasana, also popular as reclining butterfly pose, is an effective yoga exercise to treat lupus. Lay one bolster and place a double-folded blanket perpendicular to it making a T-shape. Create a loop by using your belt. Sit upright in front of the bolster, slip the belt around you, insert your one foot into the loop of belt and then insert the other. Join your feet with knees apart. Now you can lower yourself back on the bolster and hands facing upwards. Do deep breathing. Stay in this yoga pose for about 5 minutes. Get back to normal slowly.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose

The Auspicious Pose

Swastikasana, also widely popular as auspicious pose, is an effective yoga exercise that helps relax your nerves. Simply sit on the ground and fold your legs such that left ankle is between right thigh and knee and vice versa. Place your both palms on your knees and focus your vision. Stay in this position for about five minutes.

The Auspicious Pose

Legs Up The Wall Pose

Viparati Karani, also well-known as a ‘legs up the wall’ pose, is a beneficial yoga pose to improve your blood circulation effectively. Use one bolster and place it against one of the walls of your room. Now, lay down on one of your sides by placing your hip on the bolster, your knees placed closely into your chest, and the soles of your feet on the wall. Slowly, raise your feet up the wall and then roll your hips onto the placed bolster. Touch your elbows to the mat below your back, slowly lift your hips, and move close to the wall. Now, raise your legs by straightening your knees. Lie in this yoga pose for about five minutes and then slowly roll down to recline.

Legs Up The Wall Pose

Mountain Pose Yoga

Mountain pose is the other name of Tadasana, which helps cure lupus effectively. You can get good relief from the pain and inflammation resulting due to lupus. All you need to do is stand straight and join both of your legs, keep your feet’s sole grounded and heels a bit apart, both hand at your sides, focus your vision straight forward, and stay in this pose for about five minutes. This yoga pose helps improve your posture, breathing, and awareness, mitigate sciatica and inflammation of lupus, and strengthens your lower body substantially.

Mountain Pose

Camel Pose

Ustrasana, also widely popular as a camel pose, is a remedial yoga pose to treat lupus and rheumatic pain resulting due to it. Kneel down on the ground keeping your hands by your sides. Slowly, bend backwards till you feel a significant stretch in you back. Use your hands and hold your heels. Stay in this pose for about 15 seconds and let go off it slowly. Camel pose increases the capacity of your lunges, mitigate the knee pain, improve the blood circulation and posture, stimulates your thyroid gland and metabolic processes, and ensures good respiratory health.

Camel Pose

Now that you know these six effective yoga poses to treat lupus effectively, make sure you include them in your workout session to improve your immunity and stay fit and fine always.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.